The default respawn seems to be set at the maximum distance (12-22 km) from the main battle. Can this setting be changed?
They have doubled the distance between spawn points on just about every Ground Strike mission for most BRs below 7.0 - 8.0 I am guessing. It seems to be just another way to dampen player’s ability to score, but without any mention or notification about why this has been done . . at all, the only thing we can do is speculate. The only effect I can see that this has had on games is now the scoring is literally cut in half. Games do not last any longer and nothing else has changed, you just spend 60 - 70% of your time now, flying from spawn just to get where you can see anything red to shoot at. It has basically changed the entire game dynamic of Air AB(especially for playing props) in a very negative way. Besides killing off scoring chances, it has made every Ground Strike mission boring as hell and simply a waste of the players time. Boosters/tasks are worthless in these scenarios and if you are grinding . . yeah that ain’t happening either. While the butchering of the Player Profiles is bothersome and annoying, these spawn changes are much worse as they directly have damaged game play badly . . HUGE & BIGLY even . . . “one size fits all” works for spandex, it does not work for spawn points in Air AB