How the seperation of Tank RB and Mixed RB would benefit SPAA

there would be no changing the game at all just adding a new mode like when they added naval.
stop strawmaning

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Adding a new mode is changing the game. It isn’t the same as when Naval was added because Naval wasn’t part of the game. Ground already has a mode.

It makes no sense you guys are upset about aircraft in ground battles when the game’s FAQ section plainly describes the game as combined battles. If you don’t like how the game is laid out, play a different game.

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Adding new vehicles or moving vehicle BRs changes the game too. Nobody cares.

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Just like Gaijin doesn’t care that you want ground only modes.


Just accept the game is bad and deal with it.

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The game isn’t bad. It is a good combined arms game.

If you think the game is bad, then why play it.


you would literally lose nothing if they add an ground only option for the game it would still be an combined arms game absolutely nothing would change.


If they cared about player feedback this game would be a lot better and more popular.

There’s 0 competition. I don’t want this game to die as soon as there is an alternative. I want this game to be good.

you are here literally for the sake of arguing please grow up. we dont think the game is bad. we like the game, doesnt mean it could be better with more variety.

Balancing would change, matchmaking would change. Qeue times would change, and some battle ratings would be even worse than they are now for matchmaking.

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If tanks only turns out bad people can still go back to Mixed RB. There are no downsides to adding this mode.

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Player feedback in this forum is usually rediculous. I know you see that just as much as I do. If Gaijin made changes based off of these forums the game would be a garbled bunch of trash, worse off than it is now.

boohoo i have to wait a whole more 5 seconds. there would be no reason at all to change battle ratings nothing would change at all. they would justhave differnt brs for the different modes like ground and sim have different brs.

Why would they want to rebalance all of ground forces again? That doesn’t make any sense when they already have a mode that the balancing already works for. Two sets of ground BRs because some people can’t deal with the core design of the game.

They don’t need to.

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there wouldnt even be need of rebalancing. just put the same brs. you said there would be rebalancing. i was just going along with your stupid argument and now you are here strawmaning again

They ignore bug reports, BR suggestions are generally anything that’s too much work without huge profit. They don’t need to listen to every single feedback post but there are enough that should be implemented.

this forum is now gonna get locked anyway because of you coming here for no reason at all but to argue.

You mean they wouldn’t need to adjust balance when they remove a potion of vehicles that they balance capabilities with? Aircraft capability goes into ground battle balancing for BRs, take out aircraft and you need to rebalance them.

Also, SPAA would need removed from use in that mode rendering a whole vehicles type and all that work as useless in the mode they represent.

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