Buddy I think you’re the one struggling with statistics here. You’re trying to say that because (a) has skewed stats, then (b) must have skewed stats in an insanely sad anti-American cope.
I see Gepard getting 5+ ground kills all the time.
And I’ve had 12 kill games in the F-84F before. What’s your point?
You are responding to anecdotal evidence with anecdotal evidence. The gepard is objectively better at killing tanks, and the m247 is objectively better at killing planes. Nobody is denying this.
I’m arguing that arbitrary stats don’t matter. If you record the stats of only players who don’t stay in spawn whole game, then Gepards average ~3-5 ground kills a game. Most people are smart enough to realize this.
Please do this and present your results. Just because you said it doesn’t mean its true. Also if the gepard was averaging 3-5 ground kills per game, why wouldn’t the overall stats reflect that? Most people are smart enough to realize this.
And you’re anti-china because I have played a chinese tank before and you disagree with me.
So… You’re saying that the tank with the highest KPD at 0.98 (M247) in reference to the other vehicles mentioned which still isn’t great, and you then want to move a vehicle that has less than a 0.5 KPD (Gepards) up to the same BR? Explain why this is in any parallell universe a good idea.
Negligible statistics as its impossible to separate these to sub stats, you’re just assuming a competent gepard player will get 3-5 kills every match based off, well, nothing. Keep in mind you’ve never even played a Gepard variant, so we can entirely discredit this claim.
You’re just making a nothing burger of a sentence there, you’re just repeating yourself twice, whats you’re reasoning or source for this claim, what experience do you bring to the table to make this claim even relevant??
I’ll humor you: If we take the same reasoning and apply to just about every vehicle in the game, just, assume that the KPD will be higher if only players with at least about a 1000 hours of gameplay in said gamemode. we might as well just move everything that Some person sees fit up or down depending solely on wether or not we deduct noobs out of the statistical equation, which you wont ever be able to do because noob is a pretty flexible term, and the game hasn’t, and very likely wont start tracking and deducting statistical contribution of players who dont meet a certain criteria. We simply won’t know percentages, therefore, this logic is completely negligible.
Not to mention that we still don’t know the parameters Gaijin considers when changing some vehicle BR, nor do we know the threshold for any parameters that trigger BR change.
Post screens from couple different battles with gepard getting +5 kills.
It should not be a problem, since you see it all the time, and it would greatly boost up your point
I really hope to see less “SPAA is too good” threads on the forums, yes, there are a couple great SPAAs and some BRs are more saturated with good SPAAs, but most of them aren’t all that great. But I do agree SPAA players do stand to learn how to play more competently but there is only so much one can do fighting against CAS, Tanks are limited to a 2D plane, CAS is not. On top of this SPAA rewards players a lot less than normal gameplay, making it further detrimental for most players.