But they are not good against tanks!!!
I’d say AMX-30 DCA is better against ground, because the two barrels aren’t far from each other, it’s especially useful when aiming at a corner
against air i’d prefer the 2 sides guns on gepard, because it covers a wider area. AMX-30 DCA’s ROF is better though, so there is probably an advantage to AMX-30 in AA duties
Simply not true. HE-VT shells without traces are huge anti-air advantage as air assets don’t even see someone is shooting at them and cannot avoid it. Gepard can be avoided due to highly visible tracer stream. Not to mention that tracers also paint target on your back for ground vehicles.
it happend me twice, i had useless team, but still with 12.0 tank, i was able to get Nuke (that jet is 10.7 in Air Realistic), in my team i had few SPAA (in last case i had 4 of them), first thing is that they were not able to kill Su-34 (13.3) and also F-15E (14.0) so both this jets were targeting me, and i was killed by F-15E from 20km range, can anyone explain me, why Gaijin is not doing anything with CAS or useless Nuke jets? like how i can survive fight with 10.7 jet that dont have missiles, flares, chaffs, radar agains 14.0 jet that have everything
Definitely need countermeasures, and even possible radar jamming modules to be a thing on such vehicles as this, that are to deliver and aren’t as well protected as they should be.
Getting more kills is more useful than getting less kills. M247 gets less kills thus it’s less useful. You’re simply too biased against America to understand that.
But thats the point. I am using boith vehicles and on average I am getting more kills with M247 than with Gepard. And thats why I would always choose M247 and not Gepard.
Also how is that biased against America when I say America’s SPAA is good?
If you are getting less than two kills a game in Gepard then that is massive skill issue.
Are you speaking from your 0-game Gepard experience ?
XD Germany main loses an argument and immediatly goes to ad hominem attacks. Pathetic.
And how many you get per game?
With Gepard I get 1.3 againt air and 0.6 against ground on average.
And with M247 I get 3 against air and 0.3 against ground on average.
XD that’s even worse than I expected.
And how much you get per game?
Statistic is not you strong side, isn’t it?
Whenever we have these topics on a very clear cut issue a bunch of people start arguing about stats of tanks and planes like that has anything to do with the topic at hand. It seems like they’re just trying to derail the thread since they’re scared their CAS is gonna get nerfed into the ground (As it should)
Considering you stated anything below 2 KPB is a massive skill issue I expected to see you doing better.
I was disappointed when I saw you haven’t even played a single game in it.
Not only that, he has a 0.2 kpb for air targets on the m247
Considering he only got 36 kills in 92 spawns I doubt he even has HE-VT unlocked lol.
Playing SPAA isn’t your strongside either XD.
Your stats are massively different from the average player.
Buddy we all know you failed math. You don’t need announce it to everyone.
lmao this is pathetic, even for you. Most people are smart enough to understand this, but I guess I’ll have to spell it out for you.
> Most deaths don’t come from aircraft <