How player skill with SPAA effects the CAS problem

ha yes, all other nations have gepard

seriously maybe you could try playing something else than US for a while, and really check if others have it better

If any SPAA can historically get HE-VT, it should get it in game, period.

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What? You really think VEAK 40 used HE-VT?


From page 193 (197 of the PDF) from this secondary source. Worth noting that this report was released 5 years before 40mm HEVT was publically unveiled by Bofors. So unless the author is just inventing an ammo that doesn’t exist, it’s pretty credible.

Additionally, according to the sources in this thread, HEVT shells for the 40mm L/70 were in development during the testing period of the VEAK 40. It would make logical sense that prototype rounds were available during the late 60s when the VEAK was officially cancelled, even if they only reached open market sales in 1975.

Worth noting that even though the rounds came out years after the VEAK was cancelled, I doubt it actually took that much longer to develop. The same budget cuts that killed the VEAK project also probably slowed development down substantially, as did losing the next generation SPAA that was intended to be firing those rounds.

Finally, even if those sources are incorrect, the VEAK (And any other vehicle using a 40mm L/70 cannon) is entirely capable of firing HEVT. There’s no special adapter or computer required like 35mm AHEAD. Had the VEAK entered service, it’s certain that it would have recieved HEVT early in it’s career. Thus, giving it those rounds in game would put it in the same catagory as the IS-6, T-34-100 and numerous other prototypes firing ammunition first produced years after their projects were cancelled.

And unlike those prototypes, the VEAK had no substantial issues left, it was by all accounts ready for mass production in 1966. It was merely delayed and then cancelled for budgetary reasons.

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Guy is just ignoring everything he wants to. Including Stingers not being anywhere near the G they can pull, the nerf to lock on range for them. Gepard 1A2 lacking it’s ACTUAL belt it uses IRL, the FAPDS which has a much higher velocity than the one it’s forced to us, on top of having better accuracy than in game. And not having proxy of any kind.

His argument is that “it can kill tanks”, which in theory is true. From the side, who are completely unaware and in close quarters. Where you as an SPAA don’t necessarily want to be. But so can the ZSU and US equivalents.

And hey, why is the Ozelot, which lacks any guns also at 9.7 rather than 9.3?


Gepard and company are much worse against air than M247. It’s not even a competition.


And despite all that, Gepard and Gepard 1A2 are still very strong at the battle rating. Radar lead against subsonic planes without even a ballistic computer makes for a very powerful tool. Stingers against subsonic aircraft are equally powerful. Such aircraft often don’t have the energy and maneuverability necessary to dodge them.

And Gepard is excellent at destroying ground targets, not only in theory but in practice. Vast majority of vehicles around the base Gepard’s BR are unstablised, and many of them have very light armour as well. My AMX-10RC takes more than 4 seconds total to come to a stop from around 15km/h, and get the gun to come to a stable position on target. On stable ground. Meanwhile, the Gepard and equivalents can turn their turret 180 degrees and still have time to send multiple rounds into my tank, while moving, midair.

Even subsonic planes can absolutely dodge the massively nerfed stingers if they are somewhat aware. And Gepard as modelled in game can’t hit the broad side of a barn when it comes to helicopters and planes unless they fly in a straight line. But hey, you got yours including proxy belts. So screw everyone else, right?

The Gepard CAN destroy ground targets, but unless it’s a light target they need to flank to do so. And it in turn is big, relatively slow, and can be destroyed even by 50cal. It’s not some unstoppable engine of destruction.

The claim that “many vehicles are unstabilized” at 9.7 is absolutely ridiculous too.

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Exactly. At that BR (even higher) M247 is the best SPAA. HE-VT shells without tracers are silent killers.


M247 is so much worse against ground than Gepard. It’s not even a competition.

Which is less important as it is more important for SPAA to be better against air than ground. M247 is much better against air than Gepard.


2 air kills and multiple ground kills is better than 2 air kills and no ground kills. The Gepard’s anti-tank capability is far more valuable than slightly better anti-air capability (especially at the cost of a higher BR and not 8.3 SPAA options). In addition to that, the Gepard can confidently cap points, until M247, which again is very valuable.

Saying it isn’t is just being dishonest.

M247 doesn’t have slightly better anti-air capability it has much better anti-air capability due to no tracers which is more important. 2 air kills and 2 ground kills is far less important than 4 air kills which can be easily done with M247.

I play with both vehicles and would choose M247 any time over Gepard.


It isn’t just slightly better.


4 ground kills matters more than 2 air kills (especially when it’s rare to even see more than one or two aircraft spawn a game).

Aircraft won’t spawn to not get mauled by M247 as it’s the only enemy they can’t see firing at all.
Being targeted by HE-VT shells doesn’t help either.


from a spawn point perspective that statement is false

M247 is far better than gepard against air, no questions ask. Against ground, gepard is better, but it’s situational anyway. Big, not that fast, no armor, and you might as well light up a sign whenever you fire. The same goes for most of the AAs at this BR

It is an SPAA not a tank, if I cared about killing tanks I would be taking tank instead of SPAA


Getting multiple ground kills, a point cap, and two air kills is better than getting only two air kills.

M247 has the slight advantage against air targets, but it’s significantly less useful.

not a “slight” advantage, a massive one
M247 can still cap, and let’s not pretend getting “multiple ground kills” (doesn’t even mean anything, 2, 6, 10 ?) happens on a regular basis.


Gepard in terms of AA ability before 9.0 can’t even get a third place because I suspect the French’s Falcon might be even better due to the barrels being closer so it helps with accuracy

Here’s how I place them for their AA ability

  1. M247
  2. PGZ09
  3. AMX-30
  4. Gepard and all its variants

The first two have stealth ammo that detonates upon impact which puts them in a whole different league lol