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I’m in no place to give you advice, but I think those statistics are fantastic, a 71% WR is frankly great. The only recommendation I can give you is to not be so hard on yourself for not performing exactly the way you want to. It can be frustrating to die even when winning so much. Looking at your other vehicle statistics I’m sure you will figure out how to play it and do amazing soon enough.
You can take a look at my stats if you want to see how great you’re actually doing lmao
I don’t have it unlocked yet, but from my understanding and testing you play it exactly the same as the m2k, only you can be more aggressive and climb much better. You also have more radar FOV so you can get those HOBS even easier.
Don’t. Your average gameplay can’t be compared to the selected good moments of content creators. Having incredibly good stats usually means they play in squadrons.
basically this, you play it like a better m2k imo
close range high offboresight shots are gonna be your bread and butter
bonus points that you dont compress so much at high speed so getting down or notching is easier
Thanks !
But winrate is nothing. It only depend of your team and how it manage the game.
Vehicule matter not a lot.
But the issue is, I still don’t know how to play it.
I try different tactics but it still not working.
Unfortunately in close range HMD still broken.
Half of the time is goes in “IR search” preventing me of a launch.
They’re content creators who play hundreds or even thousands of battles in different planes and pick and choose the best ones to show, so don’t compare yourself to them.
Sometimes you won’t get any activity even if you’re in the thick of it launching and dodging missiles. Other times, you might get an ace. It’s just how it is.
A 2:1 ratio in top tier is good (assuming you don’t just go for AI planes), and any WR above 50% is excellent due to the nature of the mixed matchmaker.
My best gameplay advice for just about every BR is the following: sideclimb a bit until the first encounters have happened. Don’t be too passive or your team will get all the kills or will get wiped out. Rinse and repeat until you feel secure enough to play more aggressively.
Best of luck 👍
I’m sure you already know this but the biggest thing that helped me was realizing I don’t always have to be the first into battle. Even if teammates are sometimes useless they’re good at funneling enemies into one place. If you haven’t tried hanging back a little and waiting for a group of 2-3 enemies within 5-10km of each other to form I recommend trying that.
According to people, yes, it’s a Mirage 2000 5F with better airframe.
Yes and no because for exemple Bad_Karma seems (at least) on youtube to plane alone.
DEFYN is often playing in squad.
My main issue is to found the right balance to be active and not die, even more when we are winning the match.
When your team is rekt, it’s okey.
The best thing you can you is killing maximum people before they got you.
It’s what happened on the last match.
I was the only one and my RWR was going crazy (6 vs 1). I managed to kill 4 guys before they shot me.
I was happy but also disapointed.
Thanks for your feedback !
Yes, it’s hard to sometimes make the difference between youtube and current gameplay.
But still, one thing is not lying: stats.
Hahaha no AI plane for me. Are they counted as aircraft in stats ?
My main issue is the fact I’m dying to often.
Because I couldn’t spot a enemis juste near me (even my crew is max level) or because I’m not able to dodge/notch correcty a missile.
Thanks you !
Yes, AI counts as aircraft in the stats, but not towards camouflage progression, for example.
As for spotting… it’s always iffy. Your best option is to keep always an eye on your RWR and learn how it works (detection, blind spots, who is targeting you, etc). Not even an expert or ace crew would help in BVR engagements, and spotting got bugged this last patch.
Edit: forgot to address the missile notching. It’s not exactly 90°, I usually found that turning away and then towards Fox Threes while chaffing is effective. If you’re flying high and fast, turning away and reducing your altitude to denser air is usually enough, not much chaff needed. Sometimes ARH missiles just don’t care tho, so trial and error!
Okey I’m not alone to notice the fact sometimes, even an enemis plane near still not spotted.
Happen to me quite few times.
Oh okey, I never tried this kind ot notch (the fact of turning away and then towards)
I prefer to do what you said by going down to denser air.
By also going down I make some slight turn to make Fox3 bleed all his energy.
Some of these youtubers show games facing lots of lobotomized teams too. Don’t bother comparing yourself to content creators and lower your expectations. I was used to getting aces every other game when top tier was 12.7 (old 12.0)-13.0, I was able to get 7-8 kill games sometimes. But nowadays it seems that the average player is finally getting a grasp of how RWR and radar work, and without a team, you have little chance to clutch against 2-3 players of average skill.
Lower your expectations, and try to have fun even if the whole match consists of baiting and evading an entire team. If you get 2 kills, that’s a good match nowadays, even though rewards are incredibly garbage by design.
I found this video, and the explanations fits my experience without me knowing why it works for me
Spotting is the biggest problem in toptier.
The day the spotting system was broken after the november patch was my best day at toptier. But gaijin fixed it faster than all the other bugs…
It’s about 90º from the active seeker’s point of view. But the missile itself is leading for interception and in practice you might need to turn a bit away from the missile, like notching at 95-100º for example.
Also, it’s not very practical to notch when the missile is far away because it will most likely require you unless you keep notching for a long time and change direction/altitude/speed. Get a grasp of your RWR signal “range” and try to notch when the missile is about 5km away, this way you don’t need to notch for long and you won’t need to chaff as much, 1 chaff might be enough if you happen to guess the right angle immediately.
yeah that’s something gaijin has to fix
Good for short range
Good for long range