You literally are disagreeing with me because you’re saying the aircraft is solid, whilst I’m saying it’s among the worst fighters in the entire game.
To clarify, I’ve ran into people before who say the F4F’s are fine, I challenged them to a duel whilst I had to pick aircraft a full BR below the F4F’s. I then proceeded to absolutely shred them without any issue.
I wish they’d change it’s BR to 2.0 - 2.3 in the next Major BR update.
Skill doesn’t magically make the plane not garbage.
I can just link this again:
Besides, does DEFYN have a skill issue?
Because I can directly qoute him: ‘‘The F4F Wildcat is probably one of THE worst aircraft in the entire game’’.
I think calling its performance like a Zero is a bit inaccurate, cause the A6M2 while slow will always be able to outmaneuver and outrate any fighter from 2.7-4.7br, and has somewhat decent low speed performance.
While the F4F has similar characteristics, the main differences are the fact it has really bad low speed performance and worse climb.
Tbh both the F4F-4 and all the Zeros are overtiered in their current BRs
Not long ago i read a post that even if US teams had a P-47 at 1.0 you would see complains about lack of turn and getting outclimbed. Even is this is a litte bit over simplified - there is some truth in this.
If you try to see this chart from a neutral perspective:
You might agree that the low BRs of US and USSR fighters are just a result of abysmal bad usage by their average pilots. So even if i agree that the F4F-4 is rather a sad plane, i see them occasionally in full downtiers flown by very good pilots with good results.
So the 3.0 might be just the result of a few good pilots using the good firepower to their advantage. Idc if it is at 3.0 or 2.7 - but 2.0 or 2.3 is a joke. Ever thought about full downtiers?
Alone the fact that US fanboys found actually a not undertiered US prop-fighter is amazing…
Btw: I recommend every player to check the lobbies - every few hundred / thousand matches you will see gaijin bots in F4Fs. I witnessed them to score 2 player kills (a Do 217 5 or 6 years ago - and a 190 A-1 around a year ago) both full committed headons…
Like I said earlier, you’re facing people who don’t know they can control their plane using the keyboard.
Of course you’ll get good results facing those people, that has nothing to do with the F4F being any decent though.
The F4F has 1.7 flight performance and 2.7 guns. 2.0 - 2.3 seems fair to me.
Those BR’s are populated with planes like the BF 109E-1, Hurricane, He 100D-1, Ki-27, Sea Hurricane, etc. and they’re all roughly on-par with the F4F’s.
I’ll be the first to say the F4U-1a and P-39N are criminally undertiered, but this topic isn’t about those planes.
I mean no offense but the pure fact that US noobs manage to die in F4U-1s does not make 6 0.50 cals a 2.7 armament.
With the same logic you need to to think about the F4U-4 at 4.3. I mean the flight performance is very close to the F4U-4b at 5.7.
I agree to disagree :-)
Yeah, but the context matters. If US props are undertiered and a single plane (due to whatever reason) not, it is imho very cynical to use undertiered planes as justification…
I like how this thread, and @Necrons31467 in particular, has managed to identify all of the F4F-4’s major weaknesses and why it makes it one of the worst fighters in the game BR for BR (terrible power to weight ratio of .17, abysmal climb, slower than almost anything it fights, sluggish roll, no energy retention to speak of due to high drag) and yet we still get “USA BAD!” posts just for disruption’s sake.
No matter how you feel about American props in general, it doesn’t change the situation of the F4F-4.
To be honest: most US fighter are undertiered due to low skill community.
And the F4F, be it -3/-4 are fearsome in the hands of experienced players.
So in some side, we have a low skill community (about 70% players) and a high results rates given by sealclubbers with a high experience (about 3% of the players in the game).
For the rest of those players, the F4F-4 being at 3.0 makes it one of the most hated aircrafts for it’s BR, thanks to an algorithm created by gaijin which destroyed pretty much every tech trees of the game.
As told already, the flight perfomances is not on par other current 3.0, let alone 2.7 US fighters.
Yet the F4F-4 is pretty good aircraft thanks to it’s large wing, giving it a good maneuvrability in comparison to other aircrafts.
Cruising speed isn’t everything as the max speed of the aircraft in a dive can reach 836km/h.
It doesn’t need to dive a lot to get that energy, since the plane is really heavy.
Of course it’s not going to outclimb anyone but who needs to climbs when you just dived 800m and get a good amount of energy
It also have a smaller turn radius, because of the wings and tail, but it can’t keep it at low energy states.
→ overall ←
The F4F requires to use a brain to played [oops]
But it needs players that can give it energy when required, and use the gained energy effectively.
Under what circumstances do you expect to reach a 800 km/h dive in a plane that has a .17 TW:R and one of the slowest climb rates out of any single engine fighter in the game? And you expect to do that maybe once per match, right?
of the Pacific war, but somehow trained pilots were are able to fight superior aircraft with tactics and teamwork.
Not for the sake of disruption - just for the sake of clarity and to see things in the right context.
It’s not about feelings, it is just annoying to see how many of those imho rather good to excellent planes were artificially dragged down to abysmal low BRs and their pilots still find ways to complain about a few exceptions - like in this case.
In order to move it down: Find a famous Wildcat pilot, convince gaijin to make a premium version (free via war bonds) and you will see that the BR will go down in a a few days…or more better than average pilots will fly it, and it stays where it is.
The F4F-4 kinda have a very high skill celling, the thing doesn’t really compress that much and rip speed are like 500ish mph,so u have to sideclimb at the start and gain much alt advantage.
Moving it down doesn’t really help since it will faced plane that are more maneuverable and those lower br matches ended so quick u wouldn’t even have time to side climb to the desirable alt.
Maybe 2.7? But imo it is fine where it is.