The suggestion of adding bots to the game

Have the developers considered adding some computer-controlled bots to the matches? I think this would speed up the matchmaking process and be more friendly to new players, so they won’t end up with no rewards at all. Moreover, for experienced players, it might reduce the pressure in matches and make the gameplay relatively more relaxed. I wonder what your thoughts are on this?

This is a discussion category not a suggestion area just incase you didn’t know.

I think it would probably just make the game worse, no offense… It’s pretty hard to code in bots that act such as humans and aren’t cognizant of locations of enemies and AI would hurt to play against. Like a lot. Since it could do calculations and don’t even get me started on how bad CAS/Artillery Pieces would be

My point is that the bots could be designed to be less challenging. Their purpose in the game is to offer players some rewards, instead of being adversaries.

I understand your point now but no offense I think it would be a detractor from the main point of the game and make it slower/ players would go just for those if they don’t feel confident against other real players

We used to have bots in ground matches. Wasnt very fun. Rewards for killing them were not very high and they would randomly kill you.

I dont see that changing now.

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It might work if they added like random planes flying in GRB for fighters to take down? but nothing that drastically changes the game.

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I don’t hate this idea but I think it would make players who have gripes with CAS even more angry, since other planes could be used as a shield/ “mask”

We can already be seeing dumb bots who can do nothing on Naval mode.
(because naval mode have fewer playerbase compared to others)

Making bots smarter is needed first
for implementing them into other modes.

Thats true but imagine if they gave objectives for planes besides “bomb tanks” lol

They already add bot planes in arcade ground, they would appear mid game for spaa to have something to shoot at.

The main reason, as I see it and seem to remember, that in ground battles these “bots” were always in the same place, running the exact same routes/patterns and knowledgeable players would rush to kill them and, while not scoring huge amounts of points, were able to get into a bomber VERY quickly and wreck havoc on a battle that was barely getting started. Thereby granting those players a HUGE advantage and skewing the battle from the very beginning. Then one day . . . they were gone.

While I was/am not totally against some bots in the games here and there, they would need to be totally random, from different and varying starting positions(or just added much later in the match) and not count towards air spawning at all. Then they might be worth adding back in.

All that is from AB battles, as tho I did play RB back then, I don’t recall it being as much of a problem in those matches or if they were even there. And that was before the Respawn Point System was added. Very early on in tank play, a LOT less maps, which were learned quickly by all the players. Very static maps with little to no variation . . so the bots were extremely easy to track/kill.

Only map I remember bots being a problem in and of themselves was an early rendition of Kursk, where you could find yourself in a bit of a pickle if you ventured into one of the bots “kill zones” . . . lol, man they would plunk you relentlessly and you had to take them out ASAP . . . . I think there is some of that in Assault mode now, at certain BRs . . . . yeow

Anyway, if done properly without giving “advantages” to a few players, yeah . . I would not mind seeing them returning in some “moderate” fashion that wouldn’t alter gameplay to any large degree. Might make defending capture points or some areas of the maps a little more important and interesting . . but the work required for such things may be a strike against the idea . . . who knows.

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The problem with fighting bots is that they make you better at fighting bots and worse at fighting real players. Learning how people play is how you learn how to get kills.

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Sounds okay. Would they be any better or worse than the bots in ground assault?

Why computer controlled bots if we already have human controlled bots?


You didn’t have to just say the truth like that.

As you posted this in the general section, my 5 cents for Air RB:

If you play prop Air RB (i do nothing else) you will meet every few hundred / thousand matches a gaijin bot flying a F4F Wildcat as surrogate for a player slot:

Believe it or not - This bot is actively trying to kill you:

You can easy identify them by their gamertag and missing stat card. I do recommend to ignore these bots as they give just a fraction of SL/RP compared to a real player kill and it is just a waste of ammo.

As written above: Killing them won’t make you a better player - and depending on your crew level he is actually able to g-lock you. I met another F4F bot as last “player” alive and used the opportunity to study their “tactics”:

  • They always go for a head-on or try to tailchase you and as soon as you are way faster or outclimb them they lose interest and hunt your own ai planes; the guy i “studied” killed a friendly ai Il-2 plane.

  • They try to reengage as soon as get closer to them.

  • The F4F bot is able to ignore negative g-forces. They can sustain a hell of rather high speed flat turns (whilst flying inverted, so pilot outside) and can perform multiple loops until they run out of energy.

  • The damage model is rather a joke - my “study object” ended his loop way too late and flew through the upper floors or a nearby building. Ofc without damage :-)

Also just for Air RB:

Imho we have enough ai planes which produce way more harm (“borg-spotting”, dot clutter on your mini map) besides the fact that some of those ai planes have randomly a kind of “ace gunner” - over the years i saw hundreds of pilots (including myself) killed by snap shots of Il-2 gunners, so even if you have attacked them outside the gunner coverage (from below with high excess speed) they are able to hit you in the split second when you shot one wing off - extremely annoying.

You have the Assault mode where you play as defender against waves of bot attackers. If you look at these mode then you should know that bots are difficult for new players.

They implemented them in 2013

They are called Americans.

This is imho not correct.

Correct would be:

They are called “Average US & USSR players” - as the players own nationality is usually not decisive.

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