This image is from the moment I died, notice the tracers NOWHERE NEAR MY ******* PLANE. I have no clue what’s at play here, maybe a cheater, maybe Gaijin implementing more stupid anti-lag balancing BS, though in my 970+ hours of playtime I’m inclined to believe the latter.
For anyone asking, I don’t have access to a replay as I’ve uninstalled the game and broke my entire setup. /j
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Have You watched server replay?
This is true ,server replay is where the truth lies either way.
I have waved my SPAA in the general direction of a plane and got a surprising kill on a number of occasions .I have also leveled wonderfully on a planes with an M16 and got nothing.It does seem random.I get more " Gifts" than misses so I’m not complaining.
Its desync from what the server sees and what your client is showing you.
I play on 200 ping so I get it more often, dying to tracers that looked like they were flying off away from me.
Not cheaters, just desync and one of the drawbacks of a game where the calculations are done server side.
The in game doesn’t match the replays. Replay shows the actual server calculation, your seeing the desyc version due to ping. It’s rare shots will actually look like they are hitting you in game.
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True .If Gaijin had the best servers on the planet your end will still have a major impact.By that I mean your house,your block ,your internet provider ,your country ,time of day etc etc
It was meant to be a general reply sorry .
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Yeah, had a look at the server replay before I uninstalled. This is just a screen cap at the moment of death
Damn, surprised I didn’t clock this earlier on. My internet is pretty fast (500mbps+), guess the servers just can’t keep up lol
Hmm, I only looked at the replay because I died so suddenly, even in the actual match it didn’t look like I got hit at all.
I shot down a plane once with the m109 by just casually yeeting a pure he (not the hevt) in its direction and hit them in the face.
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it also has to do with what region the server is located, far or close to you