I have had plenty of games where the majority of kills was from CAS and not only in quantity of kills, but also game/round deciding kills.
If your team has 2 Capture points and then takes a slight defensive stance and you have a Rafale, or EF or F-15 or one of the countless other planes with strike capability swoop in from over 15km away and kill your forward line, then that is round deciding, in a GROUND match.
The balance is not just a little off, it is completely off.
Add to it that your SPAA missiles, like the VT-1, are not capable to maneuver at distances over 6km in a meaningful way.
So if you have, say a SU-3x come at you from 10+km away and launch their KH-38 or some GBU-39 or some AGM then you have no chance to kill the strike aircraft, because they will maneuver out slightly and your missile overcorrects and/or won’t pull the maneuvers to hit a plane.
Instead, you’re busy trying to lock on to some of that ammo that was shot to see if you can intercept that. Which btw, might work fine for things like the ADATS, ITO or Pantsir, but won’t work with the FlaRakRad due to the limits in missiles and the longer reload.
And to make things worse, this is a long known problem, a problem that has caused the discussion on the Tank Only mode and a lot of posts on this forum and the old one as well. So the balance has been off for quite a while, yet Gaijin keeps adding more and more capable CAS platforms and new guided ammunitions to keep moving the needle in favor of CAS.
As a result, GRB players (like me) feel like being the fish in the barrel and CAS is no longer a shotgun, but a stick of Dynamite that blows the fish out of the water and the barrel apart.
The way CAS performs at the moment is a why people stop playing the game.
Air RB is super boring, Naval is boring and only Ground RB offers some tactical depth and some momentum to the matches. The few matches where CAS is very limited (yes, that also happens now and then) are actually fun. You still have people that camp eventually and it is more cumbersome to get rid of them, but at least it is a fair fight.