How does anyone endure SB EC BR 14.0

  • You get fancy planes with fancy weapons, but doing anything besides spamming Fox 3 is literally not viable.
  • Blufor 3:1 Redfor Ratio usually.
  • Getting shot by Fox 3 taking off, getting shot by Fox 3 while evading other Fox 3, getting shot by Fox 3 from the point of spawning into the battle.
  • Pretty much impossible to get SL since you won’t live long enough to turn out positive, except when using F-15E or F-16C or the Server is pretty much abandoned.
  • Some planes are just dominating everything while others are mediocre at best. (Mostly ones capable of carrying GBU-39)
  • Every round, over and over the same experience.

Is it just me experiencing this? If not, what can be done about this?


This is exactly what modern aircraft like the Typhoon are designed to fight with.

I’ve had a number of matches that were the inverse as well.

Again, i’ve had this happen to me loads as Bluefor, issue is maps are too small.

Typhoon and Rafale are more than a match for either aircraft.

Not really, rather limited number of targets those can actually be used on and they dont really have that big of an impact on the match outcome.

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It doesn’t change the fact that usually there’s a 3:1 Blufor vs. Redfor Ratio much more often than vice versa. Yes, the maps are too small and I didn’t say this is an exclusive Redfor Problem. Also I’m not talking jst about A2A capabilities. A2G you simply can’t compare a Rafale to a F-16C or F-15E regarding what they can rack in points in one sortie. Fact is that you can wipe out a whole frontline event in one go with a F-15E, while you can’t do anything remotely comparable with neither a Rafale, Mirage 2000, Su-34 and so on.

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No, you are not alone.

I grind in SB mode, focusing on PvE, just to unlock the plane I want. Playing PvP brings nothing but disappointment and makes me feel like I’m wasting my time.
After that, I create my own missions where I can truly enjoy the gameplay and game mechanics.

P.S. Do not expect much from Gaijin about improving SB. It is not so popular mode, so they will not spend much efforts to make it better.


I don’t endure it. I simpy don’t fly in that br bracket.

Top tier in sim has always been trash for the past decade and will always be, because gaijin doesn’t make money on players who reached top tier, the $$$ comes from players who are researching it.


With Rafale and Eurofighter, Sim battles are a bit better than before IMO. It balances a bit the previous meta of full US domination.

That said, it’s an exercise of frustration to play sim in the current maps IMO. Afghanistan and Vietnam are the only viable map because the terrain allows to actually play a bit of BVR. But since everyone wants to multipath everything constantly, it makes playing anything that rely on short ranged fox3 much more difficult to use. Rafale and Russian planes in particular are an absolute pain to use in Denmark and Tunisia. Both need to launch missiles Within Visual Range, and everyone instantly hug the deck when they spot you. It’s infuriating. Meanwhile the F15 and EF can stay at 9000 meters and rain down Aim120 unbothered, and pushing them is almost impossible since they can just run away and are out of range anyway.

Makes me wonder what the point of all the fun and fancy air to ground weapons if you cant really use them. Every game after planes get a pd radar is just a large missile yeeting furball. It just shows how war thunder refuses to implement a health update to SB, try something different, provide for players who want immersion, and just get first person arcade instead.

Yes, even if you get 3:1 K/D ratio, yo often not make money even with premium account, the Useful Actions system is really broken, especially at very hugh BRs

For the snail it must be OK, kind of a tax if you wanna play modern jets, you have to make SL somewhere else and the come fly this XD