How do I get a band lifted

Yes but when you fill a game with copy paste it leads to real problems. I understand that this is happening. Should tanks in SIM not have correct markings? or do they ? are copy paste tanks removed in sim or is it t34s on all sides?

I’m afraid I have no answer to that. I personally also see it as problematic to have often the same vehicles on opposing sides in Sim (can’t throw a stick into the air in Sim without hitting an F-84 or F-86 or so from either your or your enemies side…). But this ha sbeen an issue since the very earl days: I remember very heated discussions about for example Japanese Corsairs and other captured planes in Tech Trees causing confusion in Sim…

But frankly speaking I also don’t see any way how this could be solved easily, as especially post WW2, with the Allies/Axis being replaced by NATO/Warsaw, the country combinations completely were overthrown IRL… = /

OK and I dont want to get banned for falling into an official trap so I am going to give SIM a miss thank ,as much as I might be interested in it.

Another long term piece of stupidity and it being long term doesn’t make it any less stupid, a reoccurring theme in War Thunder, something being wrong for years and never sorted out.

So we have copy paste vehicles in a game where we are giving bans for team killing, think about that for a moment.

You still have ways to prevent TK’s, like, for example, communication.

To be honest, I don’t know how it looks atm in Ground Sim, as I haven’t played this for a long time, but in Air Sim EC it’s fundamentally important especially pre-IFF, and works quite well.

Not always, for sure, but having to judge whether you take a shot or not, is part of the challenge.

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