As a germany player of 9.3 should i get uptiered this much. Its basically every match. Is there any way to escape this hell? (Outside of playing another br)
And I dont want to crew the Leo 2k i unlocked simply because its my only 10.0 tank so i would not uptier the already struggeling 9.3 lineup I have even more.
I am grinding the Ozelot next or is there anything better to focus on?
In terms pf uptiers vs downtiers, nobody can help you but generally i find the difference between a 9.3 and 10.3 to be smaller than almost any other whole br step
the radkamfwagen is very good an also 10.0 definitely get that thing ASAP
Milan[9.7] faces F-8E and J-7D[10.7] for 5th time in a row
→ Decided to play F-111C[11.7] instead
→ Constantly sees F-14A and M2KCS-5[12.7]
→ Going to play Tornado F.3 Late[13.0]
→ haha F-15E[14.0] goes Brrr
In this game, the only way that guarantees to play downtier in RB is by Playing ‘Top-of-Top ranks’.
12.7 on GRB
14.0 on ARB
Just like [only Playing Tier 10] in World of Tanks. :/
9.3 germany has the best lineup with 1a5, m48super, begleit, kpz70, french tank that has gen3 thermals, gepard, argentina tank. What do you want more ? I used only the kpz70 eq. mbt70 for the us tree and it was good enough.
Hmmm you don’t!!!.. However you can technically speaking… Through my personal observations, some servers at certain times of the day have more downtiers than uptiers (Yes it is not totally random…)… You just need to do trial and error and find the right server… It does not last very long… 5-6 matches most but 4 of the 6 are generally downtiers when you find them
other than that I cannot say much else about downtier syndrome… Although you can make your lineups uptier proof (you do just as well in a downtier as in an uptier
take the t72m1. It does not have thermals but russia does not either with some exceptions… Your round is quite good and you do better post pen damage than a 105 or 120mm nato gun
I don’t like the KPZ 70 bcoz of the weak ass round. but if you like it you should take it… good reload no armour but decent post pen and good mobility… You should be able to keep up with everything at that br.
Don’t take the begleit… Ya it is good but I don’t have much success in uptiers where you are going to face era and you are not fast either that you would flank the enemy…
If you want/like thermals take the leopard 1a5. It has no armour but mobility is better than m48 super and the dart is ok. nothing exceptional though…
Not only this, all the Israel Magach has DM63 in this br, and the Chinese ZTZ has 3BM42 equivalent lol sometimes I actually think 10.3 is pretty weak in firepower department