How can ww1 aircraft be implemented into air discussion

Because the post is about WW1 aircraft and how can they be implemented in the game. The lower tier bi-planes and reserve aircraft all saw service well after WW1 ended. So these aren’t a substitute for WW1 aircraft. Infact I think the oldest aircraft in game is the PO-2 with it’s first flight in 1927 but even then you can’t play it because Gaijin removed it from the tech tree and only give it out during the Halloween races which then only around a thousand or so actually get it.

Yes until people realised that you can drop bombs down into the trenches resulting in the advancement of bombers and ground attack aircraft. Then to combat the bombers and ground attack aircraft fighters were developed resulting in the birth of aerial combat.

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My take on WW1 implementation.

You can’t. Not to the current game mode. WW1 planes were far slower than every single WW2 aircraft including Interwar & Early WW2 era Bi-planes. Really the only way would be doing what @Ghostmaxi suggested

There is PO-2M in the market,you can get that one LOL

Iirc, i even have it, but never used it, because bad.

It was never a true fighter after all,. During the Great Patriotic War, it was primarily used for night bombing and light transport missions, equipped with only the most rudimentary defensive armament.

Did I say the PO-2M? I said the PO-2, the one removed from the tech tree and only given as a reward

Some form of mode for WW1/Interwar vehicles would be nice, both air and ground. Every nation (Except for Israel) should have something that they could use. For ww1 aircraft they would be at least usable as long as theyre fighting each other. If they face even 1.0’s they would be outclassed severely.

the same way that reserve vehicles are already implemented because they would be pretty much that but slower and with Ball ammunition only

I beg to differ


Smaller maps, completely negates the lower speed. And with most Air RB matches being low altitude dogfights nowadays, WW1 planes will feel right at home

In a similar way that top tier can be improved with making the maps bigger WW1 aircraft could be played on smaller maps.

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How do I explain this in basic words? Ah yes, the Fokker DR.I can only hit 185 kph. The HE-51B-1 hits at 330 KPH. That is a 145 kph difference in speed and performance, when you take into cruising speeds which is the speed you’re going to go normally, The HE-51B-1 is still superior to the Fokker Dr.I in every aspect. Your logic makes no sense.

WW1 planes could not fight Interwar nor early WW2 aircraft. Any marine who expects to win larger makes does not help WW1 planes.

Also for the other person, Great Britain or whatever the map was called used to be part of Air RB’s map cycle, it was removed cause it took nearly 30 minutes just to fly from point A to Point B and I’m sorry that just isn’t fun, so most left before the match even started, mind you before it even started as if they never spawned in, that is how boring those extremely large maps are. Oh and if you were expecting to see someone within you did get into combat most of the time you weren’t going to, you were either immediately dead or the enemy team wasn’t even in the match in the first place cause all of them left. The few matches I had on that map that didn’t go like that were nothing more than duck hunts cause neither team could find the other. Which either leads to->Leaving, crashing or something else.

Then they should be in their own matchmaker or have their own gamemode. That or add more aircraft after WW1 but before the earliest aircraft we already have.

Again, map size isn’t an issue because they can be changed. Just as maps for top tier have the airfields moved back Gaijin can simply move the airfields closer to accommodate for the slower aircraft speeds.

Please read what other folks had said, before responding and to respond to just the first part, Ghostmaxi made a vote on that.

Very small maps sounds great in theory but they would have to be locked to equally low BR ranges (0.1-0.9) or else the moment either team gained an advantage you’d be instantly spawn camped when played with planes from the 1920s+ capable of speeds 50% higher or more.

Basically you would need a lot of investment in both vehicles and maps for a very niche user experience, and a complete rethink of the lower BRs and tiers to make them fit in WT.

It’s an idea best left for a specific WW1 era game written from the ground up to take advantage of the smaller percentage gains between each generation of aircraft.

I think it could work as its own gamemode, separate from the standard air tech trees but also compatible like how Bluewater and Coastal ships are separate.

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Seperate Bluewater and Coastal amounts to a couple of low tier maps. Other than that they are completely overlapping and run side by side. The trees are only split so people can jump straight to destroyers and rush towards the big name Battleships. They started combined and could be again if Gaijin wish it.

You simply couldn’t drop in WW1 planes directly in front of even the slowest biplanes currently in the game as the speed, firepower and capability difference is just too great.

To fit WT as it stands would have to bump everything up to fit entire pre-1935 tiers, fill all the gaps for the reduced country count of the era, and ensure maps and mechanics were suitable. And after all the work many players would still just want WW2 or modern jets and would belly ache about the extra grind involved.

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I’ve never said WW1 planes should be matched with inter war and WW2 planes. That doesnt make sense. That would be like having a Me-262 fight a F-15, which also doesn’t happen as far as I’m aware.