How can I maximize rewards?

Hi! It’s been a while since I played ASB, and I want to ask, what should I do to maximize my rewards?

I’m not saying if rewards are good or bad, just what can I do to get the most of the current reward system.

Just get n amount of points, stay alive for 15 min, land on field

How rewards work:

  1. Starting with you spawning in, a 15 minute timer begins.
  2. At the end of this 15 minute timer, your score is evaluated against a logarithmic function. Similarly, dying early is likewise evaluated and the timer resets.
  3. Based on the function, you gain a reward% which is multiplied with time alive in minutes and your plane’s statcard reward per minute AND 0.8.
  4. To receive the remaining 0.2 you must land after the cycle flashes “Useful actions” on your screen.
  5. Score is treated as “0” in event of dying or the cycle ending and must be acquired again for next cycle. Assists after dying are a bit weird and I don’t understand them entirely.
  6. Dying to the enemy gives you 135 points that counts for the previous cycle, so don’t suicide: fight back! It’s not much, but it’s consolidation.

The exact form of the logarithmic function is uknown, but we know some of its value pairs:

200 points = 54% reward
400 points = 75% reward
600 points = 86% reward
800 points = 90% reward
1050+ points = 92% reward

As you can see, it plateus at 1050 and does not rise. Furthermore, the difference between 600 and 1050 points is only 6%.

1 kill without BR correction is worth 450 score. It is worth 600 score if you crit them and THEN kill them (crit is worth 150 score).

BR correction and score/action


For bombing score, refer to:

Bomb table

War Thunder Bomb Chart - EC Sim - Google Spreadsheets

If you score a critical hit + kill, optimal way for rewards would be to GTFO and afk over your runway and then land.

Dying early gives you 135 extra score that’s counted for the last cycle, so roughly you can bump yourself to the next percentage bracket but also multiply by 0.8.

Time alive to break even is

For reward coefficient, just take your score, add 135 and take the % reward in 0.NN (so 1 kill 1 deathis 450+135 giving 535, so somewhere between 75% and 86%. The reward function shows logarithmic character but given the miniscule difference between 600, 800 and 1000… you can just assume the percentage is roughly linear. Or be lazier and always take the lower percentage of a range to be safe. Worst case you under-estimate it and assume you need to stay alive a bit longer to break even. ).

Out of curiousity, I wondered how well a log function can be made to fit these points.



The reward percentages - Community Bug Reporting System

The score - Report on how scores, SL, and RP rewards are calculated

It seems like maybe a tanh or a (1-1/(e^x)) style function might work best.

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This is so stupid.

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Thanks for pve farmers

Welcome to ASB, where to break even flying something like the ho299 you need more than 1 full reward cycle with maximum rewards if you do not make it back to base to land. If you do make it back, you’re looking at a 2-3K sl income at most (due to 17K spawn cost and max reward being 19.7K)

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Imagine a game where you just get a reward for an action and be done with it, even in RB it’s nonsense, you get a kill, but you were downtiered so your reward is nerfed for some reason because it’s your fault you were downtiered, and the game didn’t last very long, going to nerf your reward again because that’s also your fault, and your team didn’t win, also your fault so even less rewards.

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