How about the Japanese-Korean Alliance tree?

I’d rather have the two Korea’s in a combined tech tree. It’ll be easier for players interested in korea to grind vehicles that way.

Choosing countries like that is interesting though, it might help historical matches return in some form but I don’t think it’ll happen anytime soon.

If it was ROC & South Korea are in the same tree it might be a bit redundant for rank 4 & 5 aviation as both counties had a lot of similar post war aircraft (not sure for other vehicles). The same goes for PRC & North Korea.


Korea wouldn’t stand being in the Japanese tech tree.
The problem is heavily political. While Gaijin most certainly wouldn’t mind adding them, realistically anything that involves Korea and Japan will become increasingly political even in games new reports will come out for it in large quantities. A lot of folks say so what or doesn’t matter. But unless they can convince both countries to let this slide it just won’t happen. Perhaps in a year or 3 it possibly can happen but I just don’t see it occurring any time soon.

Yes, inevitably there are a certain number of people in Japan and South Korea who are willing to put each other’s countries down.
However, I have heard that Sweden and Finland also do not get along very well, and Finland’s sub-tree is a new event in my memory. (Sorry if the two countries are actually good friends.)
There is also “Taiwan” and “China” which are geopolitically and historically problematic to be in the same tree. The Chinese Communist Party’s China and the Republic of China’s Taiwan are two different countries, and although they are currently in a very dangerous international relationship, Gaijin treats them as one country.

In my opinion, Gaijin does not take geopolitical risks into account, nor does it take historical international sentiment into account. In that sense, I don’t think it would be strange for it to become a sub-tree.Well, maybe it will have its own new tree.

Sweden and Finland have issues with one another but can tolerate each other mutually and both benefit each other with similar types of politics.

That’s a good thing :)
I believe the same can be said of Japan and Korea. Although there are some voices that are at odds with each other in part because of their historical backgrounds, they are one of our important allies and can cooperate with each other. In that sense, I don’t think the subtree is strange.

However, I fully understand the opinion that we want to have our own tree. If Japan were a sub-tree of the US, I would be disappointed. I respect the desire of a country to have its own tree.
As long as they don’t fill almost half of the tree with copy-pasted Vehicles, I think it’s fine for them to have their own tree. Including North Korea would create a very distinctive tree.

The problem is a lot of nations utilize lend-lease vehicles. Hence the “copy and paste” which is what leads Gaijin to paste them in said tree.

South Korea’s military was only formed in 1948.
North Korea’s military was formed in 1932 but officially in 1948.
Both utilized older, mid, and newer equipment and eventually started to produce domesticated equipment. So trying to make both nations not have any form of copy and paste is near impossible since they did not have any WW2, Cold War, and to some extent modern equipment(for a minute amount of time). Similar to Israel. So it’s a case of how we please our community and make some sort of profit in which they can’t compromise so it’s a Yes or a No choice.

Yes, I do. If you create a tree from Tier 1, it is inevitable that most of the weapons up to around Tier IV will be filled with copy-paste.
As you said, I think it is better to create a post WWII tree starting at Tier IV (or maybe even V) like the Israeli tree. As for modern ground forces, both Korea and North Korea have many interesting vehicles.

Honestly, i dont think that Israeli styly tree would be good. Specially because of how copy-pasted it would be too. Like, SK have many unique vehichles, but i dont think that it would be enough to fill the TT without “Magach syndrome”

Random ass necro.

SK as a sub tree for Japan would be perfect. Plus they’d help fill the SPAA gaps.

NK would fit with China, they have some unique home grown vehicle mods.

By all accounts Korean and Japanese relationship is improving and I dont think is anywhere near as bad as it use to be. But you have China and Taiwan already in a tree together, you dont get more hot or political than that. I think SK and Japan actually is kinda reasonable and we’ve already seen in other games, like Wargame, that its not all that hot anymore.

Even South Africa and India being part of the British tree isnt the most geo-politcally sound move. Im fairly certain I read something recently about South Africa considering leaving the Commonwealth.

But the benefits for the Japanese tree would be huge and SK would finally get represented in game. Every nation cant have its own tree and we havent seen any interest from Gaijin to add a South Asia tree, or a Commonwealth tree, or a Middle east tree, or eastern Europe tree. Those nations are just going to be added into other trees eventually. South Korea certainly could become its own tree in the future, but genereally we’ve seen a soft release into other trees first. Like with Israel

Even without political it still wouldn’t make sense for South Korea to be there. They have had no military ties with each other unlike China (PRC) and Taiwan (ROC) which at least had an old alliance.

However even if political China and Taiwan is an vastly different scenario from South Korea and Japan. South Korea and North Korea is an similar scenario as China/Taiwan.

I think SK and Japan actually is kinda reasonable and we’ve already seen in other games, like Wargame, that its not all that hot anymore.

Wargame is not an good example as it doesn’t force you to grind for unwanted vehicles, it also allows you to make an South Korean or Japanese only deck with maybe some consequences of lacking in certain categories.

So the player in Wargame has the freedom to do what desires them.

Even South Africa and India being part of the British tree isnt the most geo-politcally sound move. Im fairly certain I read something recently about South Africa considering leaving the Commonwealth.

South Africa and India at least have bought and used British vehicles and South Africa had an mutual defense agreement with the United Kingdom. South Korea and Japan unfortunately have non of that, both haven’t shared their own domestic technology with each other and aren’t allied (unless you can provide an official document) but instead are partners in security cooperations.

But the benefits for the Japanese tree would be huge and SK would finally get represented in game.

And Japan got alternative options, it may not be as great as South Korea but at least will fill most of there needs (AA limit to 10.3/10.7). It would at least make more sense then South Korea.

Would be perfect if it made sense.

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Any Korean player who saw Korean stuff in Japan’s tree would probably have an aneurysm. There’s a loooooot of bad blood between those countries. They’d be better off making them a branch of the American tree, and then North Korea a branch of the Chinese tree.

Imperialists of 19c-20c: We need resources, markets and labor. For this, we will conquer ‘uncivilized countries’. And we will call this solution ‘colony’. The natives would also be grateful that they were being ‘civilized’, no matter what flag they were under.

‘Reasonable people who don’t care about politics’: We need modern MBT, SPAA, CAS planes. For this, Korea must be annexed by Japan. And we will call this solution a ‘subtree’. I believe Korean people will be just happy to see their vehicles implemented regardless in which TT.


Why are people so adamant about putting Korea in the Japanese tree? It’s not going to happen, they have literally nothing in common except hating each other.

Even if they were on extremely friendly terms, South Korea still wouldn’t have a damn good reason to be in the Japanese tree as they have zero connections to each other - the only tree South Korea fits in is the US tree as they massively helped its economy, massively helped its military and literally everything about the modern country.

Especially when we take into consideration the amount of US military equipment S. Korea uses, the best example being the K1 tanks - designed off of the XM-1 tank (with US help), using huge amounts of US equipment on said tank and for which the US provides composite armor packages (General Dynamics provides the “special” armor) .
How would you even go about adding that tank to the Japanese tree when it has nothing to do with it, while the US has everything to do with it? Not to mention, at the BR it would be placed, Japan would still have nothing else, while it would fill a gap for the US and add more vehicles at that BR which is barren, but at least exists, unlike for Japan.

South Korea should not be touching the Japanese tree in any way as there is no good reason for combining them even if Japan acknowledged and apologized for the war crimes and extreminations they did.


Only some people hate each other.You may be one of those who are saying it is war crimes or extremination, but you may be part of that group.

Well, let’s leave it at that.
It is clear that at least Gaijin does not take such geopolitical issues and sentiments into consideration. Just look at the Chinese technology tree. Taiwan and China are two very different countries historically and geopolitically. But from Gaijin’s point of view, both are treated as the same country. As long as we have this example, anything is possible.

Well, I don’t mind belonging to any country as long as it is not full of copy-paste Vehicles, and I also don’t mind if it becomes its own tree.
Perhaps Korean players would like to see their own tree created.
Gaijin will make the final decision and I will wait for it.


This can be applied to basically any subtree in the game.

Same goes for… Hungary in Italian TT or some sole vehicles in several other TTs.

According by Gaijin politics towards subtrees addition - they have more than enough connections to be added to Japan.

“Gaijin’s politics” what may that be? As far as i know Gaijin tries to avoid anything political and can be seen here.

No politics

2.11. No politics

Gaijin does not endorse or support any political parties, groups, movements, organizations or committees, any companies, partnerships, corporations, or associations organized or maintained for political purposes, or candidates for political office, including in connection with any election, referendum, the proposed bill, or for any other political purpose whatsoever.

Gaijin explicitly prohibits the use of Gaijin’s Websites for political purposes, including the purposes above. The content of the User’s posts, avatar, and signature must not also contain any political symbols, logos, attributes, slogans, appeals, statements, or other politically oriented content.

Also what may these connections be between South Korea and Japan?
If we look at the current subtrees in-game we can see that they have been/are allies or used vehicles from the nation they are in. Neither South Korea and Japan have that, they aren’t allies and both never imported/exported arms from each other.

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By politics i meant their approach towards making something, not IRL politics.

Italy and Hungary pretty much falls out of this.
Since War Thunder uses vehicles from early 20 century and we have former colonies as Subtrees or single vehicles - Korea can be in JP tt, because it was a part of Japan Empire until 1945, so basically literally for 1-5 Tiers (if we counting by TTs)

How does Hungary fall out of this? As far as i know both were aligned in 1940-45 and are now allies, Hungary also used Italian vehicles and licensed produced the Re 200.

Colonialism is not an thing in-game and never would be as it will start an political argument which they forbid and try to avoid.

Colonialism is also one of the worst ways of adding countries to the game as some countries got colonized by multiple other countries, if we applied your logic India and Canada could be in France or Finland could be in russia and let’s no forget the backlash Gaijin could receive.

Gaijin introduces nation by there military connection (with some exceptions), all sub trees in-game have either have been/are in alliance with the nation they in or have used military hardware from that nation.

This can be seen by the Subtrees and by the singular vehicles like the C2A1 in Germany, M1A1AIM in the US or T-72M2 in russia however there are some vehicles placed by bad decisions like the T-90S or Hunter F.
If you want you ask them privately or in QnA how they implement things in-game.

However what’s the deal with South Korea? You have got more logical options like Thailand, Malaysia or Indonesia but instead ask for something you no military connection to.

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South Africa is in the game.

Yet Indian vehicle is in the british tree.

Tell me, where is military connection between Hungary and Italy? Why Swiss Hunter is in the German tree?

So again return to South Africa. It was colony. Korea was a direct part of Japan, not colony. And korean military used Japanese vehicles.

While i agree that Thailand is logic one - how Indonesia and Malaysia are ended up here? Japan has zero military connection to them (okay, Japan is building four ships for Indonesia, but thats all). So again, only colonial ties (and less smaller, that with Korea)