Hornet’s Sting Pre-orders: Type 74 Red Star, Harrier T.10

the harrier T10 chaff pod takes the spot of a Aim 9L making it genuinely useless. GAIJIN GIVE IT BOL ARE YOU KIDDING

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“buffed” by adding a chaff pod which takes away a sidewinder. when it is more than capable of carrying BOL which doesn’t take away a sidewinder. its still gimped

also TEC as a source for if something is buffed or nerfed lmfao get real


It did not get the buff we’ve been asking for or need

Its gotten a chaff pod that replaces an Aim-9L further reducing its A2A performance but doing little to help with its lack of flares given its IR signature issues

It is misisng 2-4 BOL rails which are an entirely different CM pod

(fun fact, Harrier Gr7, Harrier Gr3, Tornado F3, Tornado F3 Late and Buc S2B are also still missing Phimat Pods)


He reads the datamines?

You’re literally arguing for what? He clearly gets his sources correct 99.9% of the time

so do I. I don’t need a youtuber to read them for me.

that its not a buff yes

Its not that hes incorrect, its the fact he isnt clued in like us. he gets the vehicles for free and doesnt exactly need the premium T.10 to be usable. We play the game AND we gotta buy it.


The Su-39 is missing tons of things, your point ?

probably because they know they are worse than just having BOL

I love that decal. I really wish they’d added ways to get pre-order title and decals after the fact.

(Wait- as long as the pack is up on the store the decal can be got if I recall correctly, but not the title so point still exists)

In the GR7s case, perhaps. But the others, not really. (and in the Gr7 case, its actually facing BVR threats where large chaff would be useful)

Harrier Gr3 and Buc S2B dont have BOL, and the F3 can run 1-2 Phimats alongside its 2x BOL. Either replacing aAim-9(s) or fuel tanks for them

I am a firm beleiver that the SU-39 should also get its missing equipment, even if that means a BR shift! it would be cool to see it get the R77 even if they would be pointless. HOWEVER, what does one aircraft missing things have to do with another also missing things. SURELY you would be on our team for this if you want you aircraft to get stuff?

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whataboutism doesn’t negate another things needs


would be nice to run them with BOL so that the chaff does something I agree. just if it takes a pylon away I don’t see any value in it if it means I cant bring more missiles or bombs depending on the vehicle or task

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Yeah, its a compromise, though for me personally. if im engaging a target in the F3 with IR missiles, something has gone terribly wrong (at least in SB)

But so long as its a choice, its fine

also the fact if it gets BOL, the chaff chads can choose between flares or chaff in the BOL too, its a buff for everyone.

We want BOL so that the harrier T.10 becomes a sidegrade AV8B(NA). Right at this moment, its a downgrade in every way that matters currently ingame


as an RB player its a mad dash to the side of the map and then fire IR missiles side on or you die to a spaamraam or phoenix. the BOL having flares is a lot more valuable for how we are forced to play

Yeah, so in the F3 at least, you can run them in place of fuel tanks. Which is what I would do in RB.


the t10 will always be slightly worse because of weight and guns but it would be nice to at least have two BOL pods to have equal CM amounts. they are the same BR after all

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Dont forget the engines. AV-8B(NA) has about 10ish% more thrust

exactly, we know its going to be worse in someways then teh AV8B(NA). but having the BOL gives us (i own the AV8B) a reason to play both. one for the better cannons and flight performance. one for the better defensive systems (MAW AND BOL) and unique model

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