Two new pre-order packs for the Hornet’s Sting major update have landed on the store, featuring unique bonuses, Premium Account time and Golden Eagles!
The premium Type 74 Red Star has a unique look to it! Boxes and rubber screens have been added to the tank’s hull front, a large basket with equipment has been placed on the rear of the turret, and red stars have been added to the sides of the turret, used to imitate Soviet tanks during exercises.
The Harrier T.10 has VTOL capabilities and can carry a large amount of weaponry on 10 hardpoints. This includes the TIALD targeting pod with a thermal imager, Paveway II, III and Mk.13 guided bombs, Maverick AGM-65D, E and G advanced air-to-surface missiles, gun pods, bombs and rockets. For air combat, the Harrier T.10 can carry the all-aspect AIM-9L Sidewinder.
Giving it Phimat with extra chaff when it’s biggest threat is IR missiles is a joke whilst also taking up a slot for a missile.
I do like in the video however how it’s made out to be a good fighter shooting down a Viggen with guns when you won’t ever get a chance to get behind someone since you will get a missile shot from behind you where you cannot flare it because of the broken IR signature of the Harriers. Even if you manage to flare it you won’t flare the second one because you won’t have anymore flares, but hey you will still have plenty of chaff left.
Once the T.10 gets its BOL (even just 2 on the inner dedicated missile pylon if 4 is too much) then itll be equal to the AV8B(NA)
Right now (for anyone wanting to buy) compare to the AV8B(NA)
Weaker engine thrust
Heavier aircraft with more drag
worse air to ground weaponary (specifically airSim standard)
It does have a Rear Aspect MAW, but with a MAX of 60 IR countermeasures, its almost pointless, and definitely a hinderance if you forget to turn it off at the start of a match
IF this gets any BOL pods, i will update this with a big red heart and a recommend. T harriers look better and i just want it to be usable ingame
Fr, would have been so cool to have the real markings, and have it be a real configuration from them plenty to choose from.
But, no we get a tank in a 90% made up configuration and a png of it with a black and white filter on it.
This is the only photo i have found of the tank they based it on and its not even a opfor one…
Either way its considerably more than the T10 is offering. Im not going to count the chaff pods as IR missiles are your more common and lethal threat at that BR