Hornet’s Sting Pre-orders: Type 74 Red Star, Harrier T.10

(Stona_WT after seeing all this argument between UK/RU just like back in those ‘The Great Game’ days.)


all jokes aside, no reason to be arguing on this thread. We both want whats best for each and every vehicle ingame!

happy grinding!

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Lmao I would laugh if he checked on the insanity that is the forums

Uh huh. I didn’t feel like doing print screen. Or screenshotting on Xbox in this case.

In my observations, you certainly are biased towards Russia and Russian vehicles.

That might not make you a “main” but it does show your bias.


If this is true, please, provide examples :) I’ll wait

Man, I thought 2-seater Harrier was one ugly mother[censored] when I saw it in WT for the first time.
(maybe because disappointment affected)

But somehow feels like my brain is melting after seeing those pics.


Noooo I am not gonna pay 70$ for inferior AV-8B(NA)!
I need… to… resist…!


God I hope it gets 2x BOL. Its a unique looking aircraft, but I dont know if the “gameplay” it offers and the appearance is enough to push me over to buying it in its current state

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That’s a shame I was looking forward too the harrier but with only 60 CMs I guess I’ll look for something else.

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its a VERY unique looking aircraft with the tandem cockpit modification,

I will probably Pre-order it closer to the update once we know what’s going on with BOL for certain. The title is the harrier 20 SQN translated and ofc with 20SQN decal too.

20 SQN Harrier markings^

which i just noticed, it isnt even the one we get on the harrier T.10 currently (wonderful)
4 SQN ^

Meh, I still think the two seater harrier is ugly. The airframe is clearly never ment to be a two seater.

The jap premium I like. Best type of premium, neither different nation or unique basically C&P for tech tree with a gimmick of looks.

Gen 1 harrier looks better as a T harrier.

one day, as an event vehicle with fly by wire additions in some way

(i feel like a little QinetiQ fan boy haha)


It got literally buffed today, @Morvran

The European Canadian already made a video on it

I’m still at work what’s the buff?

well it technically is correct, but isnt BOL. It replaces a missile and only adds Chaff. I watched the video to see if he would mention it, but he isnt as deep into the T.10 lore as us!

the Philmat pod isnt a substantial replacement to balance it. it doesnt fix the IR issues the harriers have (and you need more countermeasures to operate them without dying to a rear aspect missile) and it ALSO replaces one of your 9L pylons.

To be on par with the AV8B(NA) it needs 2 BOL pylons. or 1 BOL tbh, but then its asymetrical and kinda weird just go all out and add 2 really


Of course Phimat chaff pod is better than never, but as long as

  • Harrier’s heat-sig is cooked
  • Phimat pod needs to dismount one of the AIM-9L

It is not good enough if we compare Harrier T.10 with AV-8B(NA)




ehhhh really arguable if its even better. a choice is a choice, but either choice youre giving up something (compared to AV8B(NA) which doesnt need to make the choice, it just gets both by default and better engines and flight model)

I rather fancy that manga decal, but it alone isn’t quite enough to persuade me to part with 50$ for this package :(

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Then suddenly a wild Type 74 appeared!