As a joke, maybe some Soviets are living in a parallel world that
Yak-38 and Yak-41 are the world’s most well-made VTOL jet.
While NATO failed in the attempt of copying Yak-38 miserably and created an abomination named ‘Harrier’. (I am well aware that Yak-36/38 and Harrier are not having any connection IRL)
And even the USMC bought Yak-38M2 for replacing outdated and malfunctioning AV-8C
Yakovlev taking over both McDonnell Douglas and Hawker Siddely and sharing some magic trick for fixing the remaining harriers, and now selling a Stealth version of Yak-141 which beats both X-32/X-35 in JSF program.
Yak-38 also sucks. R-60 on 9.3BR is neat point in close encounter. But their FM are also in awful state.
And planes from the US usually just spam-installs CM pod in their plane, so it doesn’t have any chance of having a close encounter or grant free kill.
We also can see Ayit on 9.3BR which beats Yak-38 in nearly every way. right?
I saw nobody but some Chinese guys playing Yak-38, but they were exclusively using it as napalm bombing only, as a worse version of Su-7BMK or MiG-21S.
Yes. Yak-38 suffers. It might be one of the worst premium jets in this game.
But it doesn’t make Harrier T.10 OP or worthwhile to buy.
Both are worthless to buy in the current meta.
Seriously, I don’t understand why he brought Yak-38 for Defend Gaijin on Harrier T.10 problem.
Yes and no. for example, I mostly only play 1 nation, but I have an appreciation for other nations placement and wouldnt advocate for significant changes without good cause. With a heavy emphasis on IRL performanc.
But a few players, just want to see everyone else nerfed hard and themselves buffed. Even if those changes are entirely ahistorical or outright unfair
exactly! i mainly play the aircraft ive loved IRL, harriers and other attackers have always been my favorite (tornados, frogfoots, A10s) and light attack craft (strikemaster and alphajet) and i want more of them to be ingame. in many nations! i want to see the game balanced and for the dev team to screw the nut and just do whats best for the game.
balancing decisions hurt me the most, especially if anyone with eyes on the gameplay in matches rather then game economy looks at it… Tornados at different battle ratting because of ground attack ordinance, aircraft getting denyied its IRL loadouts for balance reasons, cas aircraft in general either being too low and overpowered or way too high (A7K, why is that at 11.3) and useless.
Anyway enough from me on this thread its about the Type 74 (copy paste) or T.10 (copy paste but its heavier and worse)
“Tornado IDS should be 11.7 because they are netting rewards too well. It is reverse discrimination to A2A mains if we buff them down. We need to consider nerfing overall rewards of base bombing if you want a buff”
(While seeing all those MiG-23ML and F-4S go brrrrr with 2x napalm bombs, and taking both glory of A2A and A2G in ARB.)
SU-30 with fictional KH-38 cough cough. The nerfs it received are not really going to effect its performance in top tier. using the TVC right with the R73 you’ll be able to get some crazy shots off, im looking forward to it myself.
Im sure the R73 against the harrier was just being weird. sometimes they outright miss the easiest of shots, other times they do the unthinkable and im left “how did that even kill him” lol
Fictional according to whom? From what I ascertained this was proven to be correct that is can carry them. Although I wouldn’t mind if it was limited to carrying 2/4 of them at a time, they are true to be on the vehicle.
As for the R-73… I do agree… they are very unreliable. That’s why I am very happy I got the F-15E because aim-9ms are god tier easily.
wonderful we have resorted to profiles now. youll know my kills vehicles are
a french/german built trainer with missiles
a israeli modified american jet
Russian SU-39
totally a “British main”. I have Britian completely done because its my home nation, but outside of custom battles i dont use them much.
you on the other hand EXCLUSIVLY play Russia. Its not a bad thing, but you bias to the nation is creeping forward in your logic. play some other nations, see whats happening in other sides of the game, then come back and continue this argument
here is my top 20 air - air aircraft.
i dont know, seems like i know enough to get a 2KD in the things i play, and the ones that are not ive used as bomb sleads to do the trees (boring right!)
also also, the 3 british aircraft in this list aint even british lol, Bison is indian, strikemaster is the Jet provost but used by newzealand, and the Gwippen is SA.
Exclusively? No. The most time in RU? Yes. Maybe check my profile more haha. I have pretty much everything for USA, Russia, Italy and Sweden for ground.
For naval my USA, and Russian Tats are matched.
For air I have about the same of USA and Russia, with a good amount in other nations.