Hornet’s Sting Pre-orders: Type 74 Red Star, Harrier T.10

Is there a premium netz ?

Yes and its just straight up better than the TT one as it has more CM. Just another P2W moment


yea. this update. its better in every way too

So whom isn’t getting this Treatment this update?

50% more ammo and a higher RoF. People who have used both prefer the AV-8B(NA)s gun but I have no personal issues with the 25mm ADEN. But if you run a tpod for VID, you loose 50% of the T.10s gun power the AV-8B(NA) does not, whilst also having a better Tpod

Now I personally consider the 25mm ADEN the best gun on the british TT but in a 1v1 fight between a T.10 and a AV-8B(NA) I would have to give the point to the US Harrier.

Both are 11.3 within ARB, yes the AV-8B(NA) is 11.7 in SB, though I attribute that to its 10x GPS guided bombs and not it’s A2A performance, but the FRS1 is also 11.3 in SB with it’s radar with IFF and overall equal combat performance.

Never said that. What I said is the T.10 should be 11.0 or receive 2x BOL. But I could make the argument though Su-39 with 3x more CMs, IRCCM missiles, a radar and IRCM should be a higher BR than the T.10 in its current state.

It should have 700. The MAWS might save you, it might only give you warning if your impending death.

Given the IR signature issues affecting the harrier as is. Which is only getting worse with this major update with an increase in thrust. 60 CMs might not be enough to defend against any IR missiles. Let alone any with IRCCM

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A Type 74 to go with your Type 74 that goes with your Type 74 to go with your Type 74 that goes with your Type 74 and your Type 74.

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This just made me laugh… sheesh that BIAS IS Showwwwinnnnnggg!

You: ”a-10c is fine at 11.7 (was 11.3, where you also said it was fine)”
You: ”put the Su-39 up in br with no buffs
You: ”700 cms is fine”

Yeah no lol no plane below 13.3 should have 264+ cms. Anything above 400 is already literally crazy. Any smart player can survive with that amount. It’s the unaware player that thinks sub 240 is terrible.

Av-8Na can flare irccm aams while at full thrust… so no, I think it’s fine as is.

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It should have 700. We have asked for only 2 BOL not 4. Which would give it 320 additional BOL CMs not the 640 you would get with all 4, with the current Nerfs meaning you need about 4 BOL to every regular CM found on the Su-39, AV-8B(NA) or A-10C, 2x BOO gives it approximately 80 additional CMs Bringing the T 10 up to approx 140 CMs. But it could and should have 4x BOL and BOLs flare should have a performance to similar to large calibre flares, not standard calibre, and certainly not 1/4 that of standard CMs.

Given the Gr7 had 4x BOL (with a performance equal to standard CMs prior to the BOL nerfs) and 4x 9Ls. It Had operated at a BR of what would translate to about 11.7 these days for well over a year without issues it’s hard to understand their “balancing concerns” of giving it 2x BOL, especially given the defensive loadout of basically any sub-sonic CAS aircraft at or near the same BR has 2 or 3 times more CMs, and some even more than that.

.then you employed the missile wrong or the harrier was near it’s max speed and had throttled way down to defend…the combo helps greatly. In a dogfight maintaining a higher throttle settings and not had high speed. The harriers have one of, if not the hottest IR signature in game by quite a margin

Convient margin, given the Su-25SM3 at 11.7 has exactly 10 Less CMs than that. Definetly no bias there.


no plane below 13.3 should have 264+ cms

What a very specific number, what could you be refering to?


same br btw as the T.10

in all fairness, i DID only use 20 countermeasures and 6 chaff this match. however, nobody even fired a missile at me becuase im playing it safe.
thats a 1/3rd gone without anything even happening to the T.10. luckly the AV8B i run 150cm and 30 chaff (without sacrificing air to air)

even with the bol the cannon is SO good on the harrier AV8B, the T.10 should go to 11.0 anyway

By my reckoning and experience at lower BRs in the FRS1, 60 CMs would provide adequate protection from a single determined fighter, but that would be about it and that whilst nursing the CM count as much as possible.

And that’s prior to the increase in thrust and therefore IR sig we are getting this major update. Which is both a blessing and curse


The T.10 is wasted potential.

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I wouldn’t bother, they’ve never played a Harrier, any of them


haha they play exclusively Russia ground by the looks of things

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Yeah… If it’s russian it suffers. If It’s not russian it’s OP. Has been their standard policy for literally every single thread

The Americans are just as bad.

Thats the problem when you play 1 nation. obviously im very keen on what britian gets (duh, im british and grew up with these aircraft) but i have most nations done and i play alot of USA and Russia!


Same but like a Harrier sustaining 2-3 G less than it should and having 0 of its irl abilities is more whine worthy than say Americans wanting a missile for the F-14