Does it now? Well, if the harrier is chasing you, your doomed anyways, can’t out run it, so what use does that ircm have unless your fighting an A-10C?
if you’re using an A10 in air battles you shot yourself in the foot already. is also the one of the two only vehicles at those BRs slower than a harrier so very very good cherry-picking there
guys remember, this is a post topic about the Type 74 and Harrier T.10. before a CM shows up to tell us. try to keep it relevant in comparison to the T.10. i can see random stuff being thrown about
We are asking for two BOL pods not 4. 260 BOL, or essentially like 80 normal countermeasures equiv. AV8 NA has 180 standards so would still have a better number of CM technically
T.12 could get a TERMA pod which brings it closer, but T.10 best bet is BOL.
Given the Gr7 was fine at what would now be 11.7 with 4x 9Ls and 4x BOL. 11.3 shouldnt be a big deal with 2x BOL. If BOL gets fixed and becomes its IRL strength. then 11.7 is fine too
well after the SU-25 and A-10, the harrier really is the next slowest thing at the BR. The T.10 is also the slowest one now due to the engine/airframe config!