HMS Renown

There’s no response on any issues regarding Renown yet, since the next major update is coming soon I doubt we will see any change/fix on this ship by the next major drops.


I’m sorry to hear that. I’m all for new content, but it would be nice to have it show up in working order before adding even more vehicles. Thanks for the answer though.

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Unfortunately it can take anywhere from 6 months to a year for a new vehicle added to even remotely be considered “finished”, especially for a minor nation like Britain


Thanks for the early adopter updates - will get mine today and expect it might sit on all its free repairs for quite a while!!

Yes, it’s odd that a country whose entire existence is owed to its naval power which dominated the seas since the 16th century is considered a “minor nation” in War Thunder.


Even things like the fact Britain pioneered ship based radar and was an incredibly powerful asset during WW2 and yet, we have the fewest ships actually equipped with functional radar in game. Definetly needs to be a mechanic overhauled


Took the Renown yesterday for a first battle to sea and got slapped instantly by a Des Moines :). #kaboom# She seems to be very, very explosive.


Killed a few of them, 3 in last battle today. Honestly it feels more like an american… cruiser. Des moines for example. Ammo rack shots always end up with big explosion and hitting midship turns entire section black with up to 20% crew loss. I think it will be collecting dust in my inventory till the BR change


To be fair Renown could have been qualified to stay at 7.0 or at least 6.7 if she had the correct draft. Armour wise she’s actually comparable to, if not better than Kongo (9" vs 8" belt, plus 4" vs 3" slope deck abreast magazine). While Kongo isn’t the top dog at this BR she is still rather competitive ship as her draft makes her ammoracks not as accessible as Renown’s.


Someone told me renown is also missing some armour, potentially around the magazines, is that true?

She’s missing the slope deck extension beneath the belt, which would extend the protected area by some half metre lower. Nevertheless it won’t stop battleship shells as currently all shells lose insufficient penetration in water.


I’ve taken her out one time. I got about 3k damage and was eventually killed, but not ammo racked. It definitely requires a lot more finesse than other 7.0 ships to be effective, and I still think it’s over tiered.

The secondary batteries are actually quite good with a 3 second fire rate. If it gets VT fused 4.5" shells for them, it’s going to be an even better AA platform.

I’m going to try to spade it, and see how it goes as long as I don’t start getting one-shotted and frustrated playing it.

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I think with correct draft and 6crh that will make up for 2 less guns (and less accuracy) we can start comparing it to Kongo. But still not sure about the 7.0… the midship compartments are dissolving after each salvo, crew loss seems higher than on Haruna.


Going to wait till spade before i give judgement but feels more like a heavy cruiser with 15 inch guns than a battlecruiser with wise to survivability


Well… I would reserve judgement until I’ve spade it… but that seems to be boarderline impossible. Everyone knows its a glass canon and just one taps it in the first 2 minutes

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this seems to suggest lots of missing armour?

I wouldn’t rely on them. These schemes are almost always oversimplified, and not detailed enough.

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This ship is like a paper ship equipped with weapons, even the guns do not have good accuracy

I know that diagram and there were many mistakes. I have photocopied the complete original plans of HMS Renown in 1926 and 1939 refits during my visit to the National Maritime Museum archives and all potential mistakes had been reported.