High Tier - Top Tier SPAA Mega List

Update #35

Part 1 Additions

  • Pantsir-SM (Russia)
  • Pantsir-SM-TBM (Russia)
  • ZBL-09 SPAAG (China)

Pantsir-SM is range 40km, should be the same with the TBM.

I couldnt find more information on the missile on a quick search aside from what included in the suggestion post.

Something not sitting right in my mind with the suggestions and sources. I want to look more into it.

Suggestion post might have confused the 57E6M-E with some sources and ranges of the radars with missiles range.

Understandable, I’m sure you can find official sources stating it, I made a suggestion for this vehicle not long ago.

EDIT: It uses a new missile, though I don’t know the designation.

Tomorrow I will reply with what im thinking and find out sometime throughout the day.

It very may but firstly,

Both of your suggestions Pantsir-S1M and Pantsir-SM use the same missile but suggest they are different.

From Pantsir-S1M

From Pantsir-SM

The second image, 57E6M-E is on some kind of stand thats why there is a height difference.

The information on 57E6M-E in your S1M suggestion is according to sources correct and I agree with what is in your S1M suggestion.


From Pantsir-S1M


  • Range: 30 km
  • Caliber: 76mm (Booster 210mm)
  • Mass: 98+ kg (115 kg Reported)
  • Max Speed: Mach 4.95 (1,700 m/s) (Mach 5.42 Reported)
  • Guidance Type: SACLOS
  • Max Overload: 32+ G
  • Guidance Time: n/a
  • Warhead: 25 kg

But then in your SM suggestion, your never mention 57E6M-E but have a photo of 57E6M-E compared to 57E6-E. But the stats you list in SM suggestion are very near 57E6M-E but is suggesting that its a
new missile.

From Pantsir-SM

  1. 57E6M-E has 30km range. Unless they changed the booster propellant or something I haven’t seen any definitive proof saying such. Just as many sources state 30km range as others state 40km range for Pantsir-SM.
  2. As stated in your Pantsir-S1M suggestion, 57E6M-E has larger booster so its going to weight more. 57E6-E according to your sources in S1M weights 98kg. 115kg for 57E6M-E makes sense.
  3. Again these missile ranges aren’t making sense to me. As I stated in 1. 40km is in contention. 15km Altitude is also weird. 57E6-E has 15km Altitude and 57E6M-E reported reachable altitude is 18km. Where the 15km is coming from, idk. If a missile could reach 40km, it should be reaching higher altitude then 15km, and more then 18km altitude at that. It should be 20km+ altitude if a missile has 40km range.
  4. Missile Speed. As stated in your S1M suggestion, 57E6M-E has 1700m/s speed and I have found 1 source claiming 1850m/s which is Mach 5.42. Where 3000m/s or the Mach 5.8 is found, idk but I personally haven’t seen such sources.

Not saying a new 40km unnamed missile doesn’t exists, it very well may. But I haven’t seen the sources and the information there is on it is dubious at best. The way you have worded your Pantsir-SM suggestion and the lack of any information on this new missile makes me believe that the Pantsir-SM is just using 57E6M-E and somewhere along the way the range got mixed up in news publications etc.

They aren’t the same missiles, the one the Pantsir-SM uses is a bit larger than the 57E6M-E, you can see this in the booster area of the missile. I’ve already tried doing what you’re doing and concluded they are infact separate. Since it’s been awhile I want to resume my research on the vehicle, see if I can find anything new.
I appreciate your time on the subject.

EDIT: I do see there is new information about it’s guidance radar.

There simply isn’t enough evidence yet for me to agree they are separate missile. The pictures look identical.

57E6M-E look nearly identical between the two picture.

Ontop of these nice images.

Here’s something new.

There’s loads of stuff that have been released about it, I’ll get back to you on it once I find information about its new weapons.

extra stuff

Video from the weapons expo 2 months ago

EDIT: The Pantsir-S1M is just an export model of the Pantsir-SM. This according to Russian sources.
Also the name of the 40km missile is just 57E6M.

Update #36

Part 1 Additions

  • Removed NASAMS from US (US)
  • Bradley Trinity (US)
  • Dornier LLADS (Germany)
  • UAZ-469 FASTA-4M (East Germany)

Part 1 is within 2 additions of being too long of a post. Any more suggestions will have to be unique vehicles that not just copy and paste.


Is there more information that suggests a radar is needed? Especially since the AIM-9X has IR guidance.

Small correction on the ACSV G5 NASAMS, it has recieved the official name of “NOMADS” so the name should probably be changed, and uses the IRIS-T SLS, which is just the regular IRIS-T A2A missile but with a different software to make it possible to be launched from the ground. the 25 km range figure should be 12 km as the 25 km figure is when firing from a fighter jet, where the thinner air and higher launch speed gives it a lot more range. Should also be removed from Germany as whilst it’s a German chassi and Germany put the most work into the missile, it was a Norweigan project without much input from Germany. They are even designed and built by Kongsberg in Norway IIRC.


Stingers don’t specifically need Radar but I’m unsure of 9X/114/Tamir.

Edit: From a basic google search 9X don’t need an external radar source either. So realistically if Gaijin were ready for super maneuverable missiles, MML could be added with little problems.

suggestion upcoming 😋




AMX 30R (PLUS tracking radar (basically can use roland 2 and 3))




Im not sure what to think about it.


bruh my eyes

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So a Roland 2 (System)

So a Roland 3 (System)

sistyem yeps