High tier CAS problem

Definitely not angry, just disappointed that this is what ‘’‘discussion’‘’ has become on this forum, which is supposed to be moderated…

I have explained It above, again if I haven’t said the truth You can always explain It and say how it would work.

Before You have posted Your post. This is what I was saying and happened (or my browser glittched)

No, I said my piece, and this constant making out like you’re discussing anything is just for show…

The fact that I say anything and you immediately have to come in like you’re a dictator is the issue… There is no discussion with you, and the inevitible ‘You can PM me’ line is an abuse tactic.

So again:

If You don’t want a discussion I can’t do anything about it.

Have a good day!

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Stop trolling, because it’s clear you’re only in this end of the thread to provoke.

If you can’t take on board my stances, as per usual, then there is no discussion with you, and you merely want to make out that I am the unreasonable person here.

Gonna just quote it here:

So if at any time You would change your mind and actually want a discussion, it is here.

Hope it would help to not destroy the topic any further and make actually discussion and points made not visible

Please stop escalating this any further.
this is valid for both of you, @ULQ_LOVER and @FlyingDoctor

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This game is over a decade old and some patterns can be observed. We keep using the same old modes and by looking at the changes to modes over the years, it’s obvious they aren’t being worked on regularly.

This tells me it’s highly unlikely for Gaijin to massively change and rework a mode.

I’m not doing that, I’m just telling you that Gaijin doesn’t really have a track record of doing things you suggested.

Just look at how many premium aircraft they’ve added over the years in comparison to premium AAs. They definitely know where the money is, so focusing that makes sense from a business standpoint.

As I said, your idea is good on paper, but Gaijin stopping everything just to add dozens of competitive AAs to fill the gaps isn’t likely to happen. They might add those in the next several years but that’s way too slow, and I’m pretty sure by that time more gaping holes would be created, so it becomes an endless circle.

That argument looks good until you realize it’d take Gaijin years to fulfill that, which is a long time considering we’ve already spent years in this unbalanced state.

You need to realize those are big changes that’d require a lot of work to implement and balance. We already know how much Gaijin likes to spend their time on altering their modes.

I don’t really want to wait years and years for those ways to be added and suffer until then. You’re acting like all of that is already mostly done and we’re few weeks away from all that being implemented. Sad truth is that we’re years away from that.

TO would solve those issues much faster and easier while more or less being plug-and-play.


the temporary solution is simple for high tier cas, just remove any fnf a2g that outrange top tier spaa until we have fnf spaa with equivalent range, so any fnf a2g currently should have 7km max range

To be honest, I get tired of the dogpiling and the mockery, for the sake of statchecking and continuing the argument against the person rather than the actual discussion of the points raised…

That’s how this always ends up because of that select few…

Just look at Motorola now putting up a page of why my suggestions won’t get put in, yet they’re putting forth something that’s been put forth for 6 years now, without change…

Telling me, suggestions that we’ve made as counters to this want for a special mode, and the continuing back and forth telling everyone that ONLY this special mode and labeling are acceptable, that MY suggestions, WON’T be brought in because ‘gaijin’…

It’s just projecting and literal gatekeeping…

Solve it…

I’m tired of commenting in threads and having these select few dogpiling and making out that it’s my fault for even commenting… It’s just deminishing to discussion, no matter how much ULQ and these guys even say they’re discussing anything, as they aren’t, they are trying for an echo chamber and constantly berating anyone who dares to mention any other option.

I don’t want PMs, I don’t want any sort of ‘It’s both sides’ nonsense… I’m not wrong for making the comments, I’m not wrong for holding the opinion. My stats have nothing to do with this, and my advice isn’t limited to merely being low teir… The gatekeeping and echo chambers need to be stopped.

This is an example of the silliness that comes from this sort of thing… I don’t align with what’s demanded, so I MUST be defending Gaijin…

Just beyond a damn joke… I answered this many times in this thread, yet they proclaim that they haven’t been answered…

Liked, by the select few… TYPICAL…

My suggestion takes little to no effort to put in the game, meanwhile yours would take months of constant work just on that in order to implement it.

I’m telling you that your suggestions won’t be brought in a sensible time frame which is a massive problem. You’re mixing things up.

Who said you’re wrong for doing that ?
My opinion is that your opinion is wrong, which makes you upset for some reason. We don’t need to agree on things.

Considering you have 26 games in GRB using rank 7 and 8 vehicles I think your opinion on that isn’t very valid.
That’s like I start having opinions on Naval after I played half a dozen games in that game mode.

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

You are blind…

Cool gatekeeping, but mindset is a lot to do with it, and the teactics and advisories I hand out aren’t limited to the teirs you think they apply…

Your opinion, is also just your opinion, much the same as mine.

I also didn’t say you were the bad guy, it’s those who are in this thread, as with every thread, making issues with me.

I called the moderators because the critical few were getting well up there in silliness. I addressed what you said, you took it to another thread because you’re not happy with the response and claim that you hadn’t been answered…

You had…

Whilst you are part of the problem because of this, the direct mentioning of those who are in here like every other thread is the commonality.

@anastasia001122 can You please step up before another post is destroyed?

I don’t want to take part in this but I won’t stay silent when someone is lying about how things are.

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I’m not lying and the fact you try make out I am is dishonest and misrepresenting what points have been raised…

So issues in game isn’t anyone’s foult and nobody should mention it right? you calling people silly and then telling they’re angry because someone doesn’t agreed them? What’s wrong with your logic man?

I don’t care if it’s time old or not, it’s still thing what many wants and that’s why here’s so many posts about CAS. You were writing “I’m tired of threads about CAS” so why so many people writing about it? Because it’s a problem

You know I’m not a “player one” and there’s many like me (I’d say most ground players) again what’s wrong with your logic?

That’s why this tread is here… Come on man, why you think this forum exists? People writing here thoughts and asking to add something or remove. If you are agree/disagree write it and move. I know CAS is part of the game and i don’t like it, I’m not enjoying it, it’s unfair to get killed from something 20 kilometres away. All you are saying is to: I’m tired of treads about CAS, it’s part of a game and you should except and shut up.

As i wrote before, if you are disagree just write it and if this treads is annoying for you, not comment.

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Maybe you are making issues with every thread you are commenting. Because you are opposing every single change what players offering Gaijin, that’s why i was asking why you were defending developers.

Tactics vary a lot from low to high tier. You also need to play the tier in order to get a feel for it.

Your opinion is fine, but don’t expect people to take it seriously considering it’s coming from someone that barely even touched higher tiers.
For example, I can have an opinion on golf and how should it be played after my first and only game I’ve played, but that doesn’t mean my opinion holds any value.

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