At that time, players were mostly opposing the change because it would nerf German and especially Russian shells the most. You can just look at forum posts and topics from that time. A lot of russian people opposing (very extreme on the Russian forum) and also quite a lot of people that had German pfps. The US M61 would be far less affected for its most important use on vehicles like the Jumbo: the copula shot on Tiger H1/ost/west.
Japan would also suffer a lot from this change, but I don’t recall any Japanese players opposing a rework.
One big issue with british tanks is some only get rifle caliber rounds, or no mgs at all. Notably, in the post OP spoke of the avenger for the truck scenario which it has no MG to deal with.
Not sure I agree, at least for the tiger brackets.
Tiger Is got a nuclear bomb of an APHE shell - pen literally anywhere, and it overpressures the entire cabin. I think it’s quite telling that some of my only positive KDA in GRB is in the Tiger E and H1, while most of my british tanks suffer.
Jagdpanzer IV & hetzer do feel somewhat anemic for TnT filler, but they’re still pretty reliable and awesome.
Yet to be a victim of seperate BR in ground, but certainly would do fine at, say 5.3 or 5.7? Yak 9UT can carry the same 45 but with better performance at 6.0 I believe
That’s sadly just a massive skill issue on your part. 4.7 UK is a very good lineup for it’s BR, both in terms of tanks and planes. If you can’t do well in it, it’s your problem.
If Yak-9K is trying to ruin your game, just spawn in an Ystervark, 9K isn’t even half as good against paper AAs as it is against tanks since it’s shells don’t fuse and AAs generally have an advantage against strafing planes.
It already is a “victim” of this system. It’s 4.0 in Air and 4.3 in ground. Also, it’s definitely not 5.3 worthy, this plane is a brick for a fighter at 4.3 already.
9UT only holds out at 6.0 because the performance is on entirely different level and it gets a 20mm instead of 12,7 which is a huge upgrade for AA purposes.
I’d actually say that 9UT is better at 6.0 than 9K is at 4.3 due to just how important good maneuvrability is for using the 45mm effectively
The most unfun part about ground battles for me is when I’m in a tank and I get killed by planes not once but twice, sometimes score three deaths and three deaths by planes in a single match.
This guy man… If there’s CAS or Gaijin mentioned in thread and someone criticises something, this guy is always defending current game.
WTF bro? I asked few times why are you defending Gaijin and CAS so furiously but didn’t get answer.
That’s the thing. I’m super good at planes. This results in me having 0 reason to not spawn a plane when I die. The only reason to not spawn a plane is when I don’t have enough points, like in the avenger scenario, when I died with an assist only, and then couldn’t get to the battlefield as everything got slaughtered by Yak.
BTW some guy mentioned how bushed up tanks are easy to spot.
Not really. If they bought that one correct type of bush I’ve been trying to get for quite some time, then they are not.
And even if I spot them - GL identifying what I’m looking at.
Bushes are a royal pain and they make Ground RB so much less accesible.
In Air RB aim is like super important, then positioning and energy management/maneuvering and plane knowledge. But if you have great aim, you can be bad at everything else and still do OK.
Maneuvering at sufficient level is easy to learn. Energy management and guessing enemy’s energy level can be difficult. Positioning comes with experience, it’s mighty important to not get chased around by a faster more maneuvrable plane, so important part of it is to never play 4.0-4.3 Germany (with sole exception of Do-335, GL catching this one).
But the thing is - Air RB is always the same kind of game.
Ground RB? You switch to plane and suddenly it’s a plane game. You don’t have to know the map. You don’t have to try that hard to spot enemy tanks, as your view from above greatly helps. You are fed free plane kills as average air RB “pilot” doesn’t maintain his speed and can’t dodge. It’s fun. But by playing planes you’re not getting better at Ground RB. But what is the incentive to do so? I just need to earn my plane spawn more reliably. That’s it.
Spotting ground targets from above is surprising easy and its something required near zero effort, you just have to roam around and wait for hit markers, scout markes, muzzle flashes or mg trails, even the exhaust fumes are highly exaggerated in this game to make it seems like every tanks suffers engine problem and has blown head gasket, which you see the enhaust fumes from above should they remain stationary like drax. When they are driving around, especially in the desert, it looks like they produce massive sandstorms behind their tracks even Heimdall can see them from Asgard.
The reason it is easy to get plane kills in grb is that most CAS spammers were busy bombing tanks and unaware of their surroundings, and most CAS can’t outturn fighters so as soon as you get behind them its over. Some of them will even send you a fan mail after the match because you prevented them from dropping bombs on tanks that couldn’t fight back.
I mean, I scored 5 plane kills with a Wyvern, just by flying straight, shooting the guy and flying away.
And wyvern can be heard from orbit, it’s so loud.
Yoi don’t have to really get on their tail, just shoot them, unless you’re going head-on, they won’t see you.
It’s like Air RB with invisibility cheats.
Kinda hilarious. Except for the poor guys I drop 3x1000lbs bombs on if there are no enemy planes around. Luckily for them, I’m kinda bad at it, so I usually only kill 2 tanks, and then 2 more with cannons if I get a chance.
The funniest bombing experience is with Spitfire and Typhoon, as you can dive very steeply and pull up anyway, so even I hit these bombs almost every time. Skill required? Very little.
And while yeah, once I’m in a Spitfire, going high speed around the battlefield it’s fun, I bet those poor guys getting shot down and strafed are not enjoying it. It’s not really fair as I have 2137 workdays of Air RB experience and, well, shooting at tanks is kinda trivial when you can just dive verticalky and have 30+mm of penetration. If SAPI was more realistic and incendiary filler did what it should anyone with sub 20mm top armor would be in a difficult spot, lol.
I bought the wyvern during sales and few years ago, hadn’t played it much in grb but when I did, this thing simply cannot turn, if I somehow fail to kill someone during a headon, I have to fly straight until they gave up or fly towards ally spaa or fighter hoping that they could save my sorry ass, because whenever I tried to turn I die. Since I only interested in playing ground vehicles, I have a very slow learning curve in flying, which makes sense because if someone ain’t interested in doing something they most likely won’t find any success. One time I tried to get rid of my tail by flying straight and this guy follow me all the way back to the airfield like I owed him money and even willing to die to the placed AAs. So far I only has success with turn fighter, like Yak, Spitfires, and SU-11, this one I can last 5 minutes and the highest kill count was by the SU-11, it was 4 air kills and mostly killing enemy’s me262 variant with a huge nose cannon used to bully tanks, feels like they are free foods for the SU-11 lol
Wyvern requires 2 things: good aim and discipline.
You cn only turn if you are already behind someone,.then turning will bleed so much speed you’ll never overshoot, haha.
Of course if you get into prolonged turnfight - you die. The only reason to turn is to get guns on target.
My advice is to stay at 600, setup your passes properly, one and done.
I’m doing pretty good in Air RB.
But with Wyvern any attempt to steep dive bomb and very steep gun run is almost a certain death as its just that bad at turning. You can try using airbrake, diving at 60-70 degrees from the ground and pull up a few hundred meters from the target. It allows to kill German tanks and destroy Soviet and American engines.
But for strafing I prefer Typhoon as it’s just so much better handling, despite lower ammo count, I can dive more steeply and get the job done even vs tougher targets. Too bad it only has 1 bomb drop :(
Edit: Too bad all multi 45mm Soviet attackers are of course premium, and behind a huge paywall. But it seems a lot of fun things are like that nowadays :(