Hi Community, Why Did You Pick Your Nickname and Personalize Your Vehicles the Way You Did?

Thanks, but I’m not a veteran if that’s what you’re talking about. I think you meant to reply to someone else. Thank you for your service though.

Well right now - I’m rocking the Kangaroo because I’m from Kangaroo land.


But typically I’ll be running ol’ mate Yuri


And if I’m feeling cheeky, I’ll don the classic meme/troll Chinese PFP


I thank the day Gaijin added that one - it really does seem to trigger people.

As for gamertag… it explains itself, really.


Vehicle customization typically includes a bita bush, a bita no smoking sign and some derpy looking CC decals. Zoltan is my go to for bringing a bit of derp to my vehicles.


For example:


Thats pretty cool, I started out playing Arcade, and my German planes used to give me 10-15 airkills a game.
Then I started playing Realistic, this was in Beta. Yet still, in realistic its really hampering to have a gunpod, but I take the Me109 G2 trop with 20mm gunpods climb off to the side then come roaring through when I have enough energy built up. Why am I saying this? LOL
Because on most of my planes, regardless of country, I put the German Wing Commander decal on the plane, because the Me109 is the plane I have dominated in…the German props gave me the Ace tag, now…I just play for fun, and my player card, jeez dont even care about it anymore, will fly Mosquito, whatever…but when Im in a German plane, with my commander decal, I am serious.
Thank You so much for sharing, its very interesting to me, I have been the Post Historian at two different VFW Posts.

Let me tell you something about MacArthur…and Im the Post Historian at my VFW Post.
He was Army…he got so irate at the Marines for supposedly taking glory from the Army with all the Pacific landings in WW2, would you believe, because he was the Allied Supreme Commander in the Pacific in WW2, at the surrender ceremonies in Tokyo Bay, aboard the Missouri battleship…there wasnt 1 Marine Officer invited?
After all those heroic landings the Marines made…Thats something you should know mate
And Im Army,…82nd Airborne

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Im the Post Historian at my VFW Post…I love Patton and study war. He reminds me of an earlier US General and that would be Sherman,…The March “Through” Atlanta.

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I really don’t care.


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He didnt either.

Hey man, I was using this before I knew you existed.

You have an exciting name, dont worry about a troll…its led me to a year long chat ban lol

Some pictures taked during battles few time ago:

Market skins, personal skins, no need bushes for specific vehicules, it’s fun. The name is from Halo reach, whiskey-037 was the first name, changed to 077 for Bungie lucky reference.

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Sounds cool



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I made sure ppl like Surblind, Tameredudesert and Aurel stay with it

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My pfp… well… Lydia Litvyak

My username… I was goofing around in the change username section and accidentally clicked change :/

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Username- i don’t know where i got it
PFP- It looked cool
Decal scheme- devils head on the vertical stab and the german wing thing. Also because it looked cool

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Username is the name I chose for my Xbox live game tag
Its a mix of one of my favourite rock guitarists mixed with a love of Halo and having the Halo guy as my avatar in Xbox
It is also recognizable in the game and is not just a mass of numbers

My avatar is actually a test pilot I think but its rare to see and I picked it because it made me laugh.It’s a grumpy looking old guy with is arms folded ,reminded me of me
: )

As how my vehicles look When I started and thought this game was about historical accuracy I did all my vehicles as close as I could to real WW2 stuff.
I kind of gave up on that and tried in game camo to hide but have recently gone back to historical as I am not sure it really matters what color your tank is when in comes to game play. Its always becomes a black shape from a distance.I kind of stopped caring about the game to a degree and often just put silly faces and big shark teeth on fast light stuff.

I think you do better in this game by not taking it too seriously and not overthinking it.Its better played for laughs.If I had of known that sooner I might have been a better player sooner.

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Nick, I won’t get into. Profile, I just select what I like, it changes from time to time.

As for vehicle decoration, I only decorate my vehicles once I get a kill in them. So its like a baptism if you will. I try to make them fit the era, but sometimes I just like making them look daft.


I try to make my planes look historically accurate but it doesnt seem to work out that way LOL.
When Im at work and I go off by myself on breaks, I listen to “Little Dreamer” by Van Halen with the old David Lee Roth…, it always seems to bring me peace.
Thank you for your contribution EddieVanHalo.
David Lee Roth had that swag, and they never had that after he left.

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Hell yeah

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Another nice post that gets us away from screaming abuse at each other by default : )
A nasty forum habit.

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Yeah mate, I hate the arguments that come in this forum, we are all supposed to be a team

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