Hi Community, Why Did You Pick Your Nickname and Personalize Your Vehicles the Way You Did?

You will always be an organ to me Joseph …

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My nickname comes from a Top Gun spoof, Hot Shots!

As for decorating my vehicle, I don’t.

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I admire people that love their country. Charles Barkley said on his “Dream Team” experience, that he noticed when he was in the Olympic village everyone loved their country…Bravo

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I believe that you click on it in your player profile, or the the little circle beside it now.

I do love historical as well, at times, the way I have most of my planes now I feel like Im flying a cartoon. However, Im not a big car person, but I do like the way those rat rods look. And so I feel like I may be that odd one in the hanger lol

BTW, I really love the F5 Thai Figher, whats not to like about a F5 with four all aspect missiles!

I made my name up completely. It has absolutely no meaning to me whatsoever.

I just slap the little jaw decal on most of my planes and some tanks, maybe some eyes if they fit, and call it a day.


Name Tag:

This current tag is stopgap for another tag & like a few things throughout history the stopgap never gets replaced an must be used until suitable replacement is found (also I’m a complete & utter moron for not remembering the password to a now defunct email address, so this is it at the current timing), Ohh and of course the bloody foxes in our paddock to the Ex Mod La Chance’s sadness no it’s not because of the actor Redd Fox after he asked me when making jokes around me in the main chat a few years ago (I was bloody confused tbh by it).

I May go back to an older tag that brought in some much needed relief when back in school, for it was when everyone got a laptop & everyone had this one FPS on it. Unironically said name tag gain some notoriety amongst those that picked on me greatly & lessened the damage. (Rank)(initials of an aviator)(regimental number).

Profile Picture:

Up until recently I was running the Ex Governor of Queensland as a PFP Lieutenant General Sir John Dudley Lavarack, but I’ve recently switched to the Italian officer infront of a 100 mm/47 cannon & mount, Not sure if the PFP is truly based off anyone.

Vehicle Customization:

Generally I tend to keep to historical accuracy although I do wish I could go further for some machinery but laws & pissy players deny such abilities (blimey we play a war game were these machines have in many cases killed thousands of souls but oh a symbol of a military nah to horrifying to some, yes that sounds like I’m being a massive arse yet so be it) but this isn’t the place to argue.

Example of historical accuracy, what if MPK-307 post dissolution of the soviet union now federation russian navy service:

Of course there wasn’t a Small Anti-Submarine Ship 307 as it was the closest decal in game to say MPK-308.

Attempt at a french cruiser with non intervention lines/ stripes:

Heaviest Free French unit (the use of the flag):

If France ever gets the K class Sloop K-3 Hr.Ms Van Speyk for a Dutch line:

Of course barring historical stuff I do use goofy placed decals:

Tail art:
(landed a crippled MiG-21 on an enemy airfield, curse you devs poor implementation of drop tanks screwing loadouts)

Derpy stuff:

The faces of no remorse for the highest rank destroyer (even if labelled a frigate):

Obviously there’s a mermaid in nearly all but it’s from the Naval CBT & I just like it.

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Stona lore drop, sweet! That beetle is kinda cute… now I’ll always remember it when I see your name!

I also love to use Marketplace camos, even regardless of whether they really fit certain maps or not. They just add a neat layer of authenticity.

For example, I acquired Al-Khalid I’s Marketplace camo and I use it always; even on snow maps.

That being said, I don’t have many Marketplace camos.

As for the majority of vehicles, I do as you said; use reference pictures and try to replicate them for that authenticity touch. For example, I got the Tricolor CARC camo for Leopard 2A7V and PUMA VJTF and I carefully placed the Bundeswehr crosses exactly where the reference pictures showed. I even go as far as to try to fit the camouflage patterns via scale and rotation as much as possible!

Then, I like to put lots of stuff at the backs of the turrets of some MBTs, like the Abrams and Type 10- and, more often than not, I place some bushes at the front of my tanks- but I must clarify; ALWAYS in realistic and visually pleasing ways, never vertically/floating on edges or something! When I don’t like how the bushes look on a tank, I don’t use them on it altogether- that would be the case of the Abrams tanks, for example.

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Originally I went by redeye from watching the clone wars show as a kid… There is a single episode where a clone by the name of Redeye briefly appears and I liked the name and helmet markings. Later on I became a professional pilot and tacked this on because just redeye is almost always taken, although i prefer it. And I do do lots and lots of night flying, so it’s apt even if unintended.

The picture I like because he has a cool mustache and we have the same kind of hair


Nice mate, way to go. Now those are Personalized vehicles.

That’s pretty cool, sometimes I take my decals off and go historical. I have been the Post Historian at two different VFW posts.

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old “godess of america” based on the roman god libertas the personification of liberty
She is also the inspiration for the statue of liberty!

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It’s the best sequel to arguably the greatest animated movie ever made of all time.

My profile picture isn’t accurate or updated right now but I like customizing it as close as orgrely possible:

(I’m still waiting for a swamp or orge-related pre-order/unlockable title/pfp to this day). Gaijin Please?

I personally like to make my vehicle skins as historically accurate as possible with decal slots despite the Shrek memes and love aside (if there is a historical marketplace skin you bet your bollocks I’m saving enough GJN to get it). I also fly planes with the bright green aerobatic smoke on. Just as a little added bonus.


Awesome! Those old Roman coins BTW are super looking aren’t they?

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Hmm…forgot about the bright green acrobatic smoke color.

I’m a small arms nerd, and I grew up within 150 miles of Fort Campbell, KY so 160th SOAR would fly over my house about twice a week. MH-60s, MH-47s, MH6s, etc, over my random house in northern Tennessee.

So I chose the NVG wearing MH60 avatar as soon as it became available. I ground night battles as hard as I could to get it, and also to get the SCAR.

I’m a US Marine, so my favorite customized vehicle is the M1A1 with the USMC Winter Splinter skin, because it has a MARPAT Desert tarp on the back. Such a neat detail, criminally underused way to make a skin shine and be really immersive.

Also, I remember back when Orangefan said he’d use winter skins because they used to take the most kills to unlock. Ancient times now.

2/14 may or may not be a unit : )

I love the Mk19, and as it’s really used on American armored vehicles a lot, it looks great on American vehicles. The Modern Assault Rifle (US) decorator may appear to be a SCAR-L, but it is in fact NOT a SCAR-L even though it is 5.56! Also, Marines usually love ACOGs and I am no exception.

It is a 5.56 converted Mk17 Mod 0 SCAR-H. It’s not modelled completely right, but it says Mk17 Mod 0 on the side and has a 5.56 magwell. This is, in fact, historically accurate, as the only 5.56 SCARs still in significant scale active US military service 2011-onwards are not SCAR-Ls (Mk16 were retired in 2011 after one year of service lol) but Mk17s converted to 5.56 for the 75th Rangers. There’s about a thousand of the rifles. Very weird guns. Was shocked to see such a neat gun as a decorator in this game.


Thank You, I was in the 82nd Airborne…good luck

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Still mad about gaijin removing the profile pictures from the forum so I don’t have one.