The BR placement for helicopters is really compressed.
- Some helicopters are flat out better than others while being at the same BR.
- Some completely outperform spaa whiling being the same BR.
Increasing the max BR to 12.7 allows a lot more breathing room for top tier helicopters
However before talking about the BR of them, we need to have a conversation on what makes a heli good. I believe that there are 4 factors that dictate how effective they are.
- Maneuverability
- Weaponry (offensive and defensive)
- Countermeasures
- The spaa it faces
Maneuverability: How fast in which helicopters can increase/decrease in altitude. It helps with dodging missiles being fired from SPAA.
- Offensive: How many offensive weaponry the heli has (agms, rockets, cannon) and how effective they are while in combat
- Defensive: The amount of options a helicopter has to defend itself from aircraft (A-A missiles, cannon) and how effective they are.
Countermeasures: What are the ways a heli can defend themselves (MAW, flare count, IRCCM) from incoming missiles/projectiles and how effective is it.
SPAA: With the things said above, how does it hold up against spaa?
I think most can agree on these factors. What we probably won’t see eye to eye on is the lethality of certain weapon systems.
1 . Beam riding missiles are the most deadliest AGMs.
- They are extremely accurate, can hit targets behind smoke and is generally faster than top down AGMS (hellfires, spikes).
- One big downside is that they generally have less penetration and weaker post pen damage than top down missiles.
2 . I’m unsure where to place FnF AGMs. It allows helicopters to be played with near impunity though I don’t know if that outweighs the inconsistency of them.
3 . Lastly SALH AGMs. these are the weakest missile purely. Lets take a look at hellfires for example.
- They have excellent penetration and post pen damage however what’s the point of that if it can’t hit targets effectively.
- It is terrible at 5-8km because it loses so much speed where it either drops out of the sky or over corrects and misses the target.
- The time it takes to hit a target is significantly longer than beam riding agms.
There are a few exceptions like the Mokopa where it’s significantly faster or the AKD-10 where it can maintain it’s speed for a lot longer. But, it still has the downsides of SALH.
Now with the BR placement of these helicopters. This is where I need your help. I’m confident in saying that the KA52 is better than the Apache. But for the rest, I’m really not sure.