Just play GSB?
Dude, not everyone enjoys sim.
Not everybody enjoys grinding, who cares what you enjoy?
Some people like playing the game a bit more casually. Making/Keeping Sim the only way to efficiently grind Heli’s is stupid.
I love the idea that in order for war thunder to be bearable you need to distract yourself up until the point that it impacts on your ability yo play the game.
In what way is it not casual?
There are no spawn points in GSB*. You can spawn a plane instantly, and guess what the counter to Heli’s is? Planes. Plus the control/camera differences are not the third person you get in AB/RB.
*: Correct me if i’m wrong.
That’s exactly why it’s the most objectively enjoyable heli gamemode?
You are sort of wrong, as there are both limited spawn points and a maximum of 3 spawns. You are given enough SP to spawn essentially anything, though.
Wanna know what the counter to planes is? Half a dozen stingers and a 30mm.
Literally any plane can just attack you from an angle you can’t contest, like dropping down on top of you.
It is vastly different to RB/AB. You shouldn’t force someone to play a gamemode they don’t like just to progress in a somewhat efficient manner.
Missiles don’t discriminate on the basis of altitude. There’s this very fun thing called looking up.
Boo hoo? Arcade is vastly different from realistic, as is PvE different from literally EVERY other mode in the game.
You don’t have to? boosters and GRB along with ground heli research can get you the next heli in the matter of days.
Even an Su-34 can easily dodge that stinger, and you can’t look up forever.
AB and RB are the 2 most played gamemodes in this game by a massive margin. And the diff between AB → RB is vastly smaller than AB/RB → Sim. PvE doesn’t exactly require skill.
The Heli’s themselves aren’t the hardest to get. It’s the modifications, and an example of this is the Rank IV mod for the YAH-64 being what, 97K RP?
And what’s it going to do against you? Use terrain and you’re unable to be shot at, use flares and he can’t fire anything at you. Most he can do is fire an ATGM, in which case you’re kinda screwed.
I couldn’t care less what the player count of each mode is.
And believe it or not…
R-73’s track heli’s very well even through flares. If he’s coming top down you’re screwed unless you have a roof on your head.
Depends on the aspect, but they’ll very rarely get through to the helicopter.
Premium time, some boosters I think. But they run out after 30 min anyway, so.
Yeah capped rewards shouldn’t be a thing in a f2p game. That is just predatory imo.
But without this information, the figures are meaningless. 75% boost, 300% boost?
You basically say: “I sold a car for $14000. This is not enough.” (insuficient data)
I am not sure why you replied to me, but anyway.
RP are basically time based. So your RP are “capped” by your time in game and your performance during that time. The intervals of 10 minutes are used to compute your reward. If you have 100% “activity” reached, you get the full reward for that time.
I understand, but even with a 20/300% booster, the amount of RP is abysmal.
But, you can’t gain anymore during that time. Ergo you can’t get the full reward.
Progression capping shouldn’t be a thing in a free to play game, where the players are putting in HOURS to grind vehicles.