Helicopter EC is awful


I’ve just finished a Heli PVE match and noticed how useless the rewards are.

Almost 1 hour, just to get 12.931 RP. Imagine if I were to spade the helicopter in this mode.

Can we agree that this is absurd?




yes. The grind is on purpose this long and bad etc.
This is one channel (formely one of the few), Gaijin makes money about.
So you spend money to accelerate or skip the grind


Good thing I’m so cheap, I refuse to spend money on modules etc… :P

I’m sure this mode actually needs work done on it to fix the intel retrieval mission, and various other issues like the battles spawning under and too near players, and as mentioned elsewhere the SPAA being too accurate in the convoys.

At the moment, I recommend you using a high tier premium ground vehicle to research helicopters.

How do you spade them? i personally never bothered to grind or play a single tech tree heli, the grind is just impossible without money and if im spending money i might as well just buy a fully spaded premium heli when on sale

Squading makes the grind all the more easier to get into and get going. Also music, so set up some good playlists.

1 hour match - 11 minutes activity time. Something isn’t adding up.

it makes sense, there’s a lot of dead time in Heli EC just flying around between objectives

patience and dumping massive 300+% boosters into Heli EC (if you have Zunis like the AH-1W or S-13s like the Mi-28, Ground Assault Ardennes/Maginot is viable for these Helis to just carry the game with a small amount of support). Squadding as @FlyingDoctor said would definitely help, most premium lemmings overfarm targets and leave nothing for anyone else, you only need 300-500 Scoreboard every 10 mins points for good payout.

Exactly. Depending on the helo, it’s long slow flights between objectives, and sometimes your armament range (2 or 3km ATGM) versus the laser been shooting AI SPAAs, make it impossible to actually get any points.

The rewards are terrible and the mode is pretty lame too. Gaijin just seems unwilling to develop ANY of their PVE or longer form PVP content (Like EC). It’s a shame because War Thunder has all the building blocks for a true combat sandbox but Gaijin just leaves us with all these underdeveloped game modes.

What did you use? Premium time, booster, talisman?

Maybe someone can help verify.

Boosters only last 30 minutes I hear. I see players drop out of matches after that.

I assume the rocket/bomb damage to bases rolled over from air battles, making it less rewarding. I can’t tell is rewards for destroying bases changed too, but it feels less than before.

Not to long ago they removed the Rolands from npc bases. Allowing weaker helis to have something to attack safely long as they have something to do so.

I feel even with premium and boosters my RP would cap around 19,000 roughly. SL doesn’t seem to cap.

Most large boosters (usually >75%); yes. you can leave after 30 mins, you wont lose anything as far as the booster is concerned

hard to say, ARB base bombing gives RP for percentage damage to bases. Heli PvE using Useful Action rewards gives rewards vaguely using scoreboard points which depends (again) vaguely on tonnage of explosives. It’s a reason to not use napalm in this mode as a base destroyed with napalm gives around 60 points whereas destroying one with rockets gives around 160 iirc, it’s just more tedious

Which sucked
NoE flight and planning routes between bases was quite fun, popping up with 500-800 meters of the Rolands and destroying them gave extra points along with the bases.

Pretty much how I stock grinded the 1Z/28NM and was sad to see them removed tbh

With a premium Heli RP will go higher

Just play GSB?

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Dude, not everyone enjoys sim.

Not everybody enjoys grinding, who cares what you enjoy?

Some people like playing the game a bit more casually. Making/Keeping Sim the only way to efficiently grind Heli’s is stupid.

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I love the idea that in order for war thunder to be bearable you need to distract yourself up until the point that it impacts on your ability yo play the game.

In what way is it not casual?