Heavy bomber (especially rank IV+) wishlist thread

And i want this,S-25 missiles on Tu-4

G-300 you mean? Actually they’re the same. But how would be a bomber with a 10 km range missile?

Nevermind, I may have misunderstood.


Ki-20 plane for Japan

I would like to see the B-17F Flying Fortress very much, at least the one with Memphis Belle livery.

B-17F had a new frameless Plexiglas nose cone and newer Wright R-1820-97 Cyclones that generated 1,380 hp at war emergency power.

Here are diagrams of nose development on the B-17F:

In case anyone is wondering: The B-24H used an electrically powered Emerson A-15 nose turret, whereas the early B-24J used the hydraulically powered Emerson nose turret, the same as the tail turret re-used on the nose. Late B-24J was introduced with the Emerson A-15 nose turret when the shortage of Emerson nose turrets was addressed.

Another bomber I’d like to see is the Boeing XB-38 Flying Fortress, basically a B-17E with liquid-cooled Allison V-1710-89s. It had a higher speed but a lower ceiling.

Also, don’t forget the Consolidated B-32 Dominator for the US.

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forgot the b-47

That is one sexy B-17 holy
Premium I’d buy

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Thank you for putting this together and i promise that I’ll work on more H-6 suggestions once university gives me a little breathing room.

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Yes to all the Americans and Germans but you forgot one for Germany Ju 287.

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Also this one a Pain in the ass to find the B-58

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My favourite part of the B-58 is that it fits in the B-36’s bomb bay


It’s rank I material (We already have Ju-86 in the Swedish TT, but with different engines).
Italy has a lot of bombers to add from Piaggio, Savoia-Marchetti, CANT, although most of them are for earlier ranks than IV.

For rank IV, I think only naval bomber Br.1150 can fit.

it dosen’t look like the B-58 the nose cone is not there and the engines are missing.

Ju-287 for Germany

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It’s a partially disassembled aircraft being transported, yeah. But like 90% of it is there which is crazy impressive regardless

Ah okay

That B17 is very attractive

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Which would be inappropriate for the German side. How about the most advanced one, the Junkers Ju 86 R-2 as well as some of these other aircraft?:

Dornier Do 317 B
Focke Wulf Fw 191 B
Focke Wulf Fw 200 C-4
Heinkel He 111 H-20
Heinkel He 274 A
Henschel Hs 130 E
Junkers Ju 88 S-3
Junkers Ju 188 G
Junkers Ju 287 V3
Junkers Ju 388 K-2
Junkers Ju 488 V3


If I had to choose just one, I would pick B-17F. It’s a must! I don’t understand how they haven’t yet added it. Just take the chance to add it now that the amazing Masters of the Air series is out (for almost a year, actually).
