Heat (fs) in WW2 era

I really gotta try that shell, everyone keeps talking wonders about it… I always go with pzgr 39 because of the higher pen; I figured you just gotta place your shot more carefully, which is easier when you have more places to pen more easily, but since everyone keeps bringing pzgr’s over pressure… I am curious now, hahah. Maybe when I get home!

(Also thanks for the edit! Appreciate it ^^)

So, what’s with that overpressure thing? It kills any vehicle it pens regardless of whether you actually hit the crew, or how does it work on this shell?

I know overpressure is broken in many cases where shells kill tanks they can’t even pen, which is fine for arty and etc but ridiculous when auto canons do it (or used to do it, I can’t recall if it’s the case anymore), and since there’s been many changes over time, I am not sure how it works on this tank anymore!

When an APHE round has over 170 grams of TNT equivalent, Gaijin turns on a little flag that gives that round overpressure.

Overpressure works by having an overpressure radius which is determined by the explosive equivalent. Larger equivalent, larger radius.

When a fragmentation created from the explosion of the round hits an internal component, said overpressure radius gets applied on said component. Depending on their proximity to the component, crew take damage or even die.

On open top vehicles, overpressure completely bypasses this fragmentation business. They can take overpressure directly from the round whether the explosion damaged internal components or not

This is why artillery is so deadly to open tops. Those are 152 mm HE rounds if I’m not mistaken, huge explosive filler, and open top vehicles can take overpressure damage from non-direct hits very easily.

Now with the Tiger’s round, because it is an armor piercing round, it will inherently be inside the enemy tank when it explodes, assuming you didn’t non-pen. This basically guarantees that the shot kills, because fragmentation from the explosion will go in multiple directions all over the tank.

The only way it doesn’t one shot is if it the fragmentation is confined within a compartment entirely separate from the crew compartment, like a direct hit to the engine.


Its a bit diisengenuous to only look at the pen of those vehicles and none of the other characteristics of them. The T92 and M41 are incredibly mobile, much much smaller, can fire something like 3-5 times in the time it takes a Jagtiger to reload, have turrets instead of being casemates.

I find those light tanks to be balanced, but thats just a silly argument, to ONLY look at pen. Do we lower the 2s38 and HSTVL to around 8.0 since they have low pen? See, its silly.


I think the PT is mainly dangerous because of its stabilizer, speed and reload. Not so much the HEAT. Not sure 5.7 would be great for it …
M-51 is a menace though. Has a shell that shows up at 8.0!!! A shell that still works very well at 8.0. The armor isnt amazing but the mantlet can eat or totally stop shells quite often.

Quite interesting, thanks for the details!

When I get home, I’ll give that shell a try… if it really ends those cases where a round just slices through a Light Tank with little to no damage, and if it really ensures one hit kills reliability… then the Tiger is an even better tank that I was aware of, hahahah.

As good as I already know, but with that additional unique “gimmick”.

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Yeah, PT-76’s damage is light and inconsistent, which is why I think it’s fine fighting midwar tanks.

However, as you said… M-51 literally has AMX-30’s gun and shell; it’s basically a M4A1/3 with the firepower of a 1970s tank… Israel made this vehicle to counter T-54s, which it was able to do quite well.

I wouldn’t ask for M-51 to be 7.7 either… but I think at least it should be 6.7. Same be as Late War tanks and would still face Midwar tanks in downtiers; but at least they would be a more rare sight for these, instead of being there every single match. It’s so off-putting to be on a M4A1 (76)W and come across a tank literally identical to yours, except with the firepower of an MBT 30 years more modern…

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I think this makes my argument pretty well then.

If a tank has atgm or heatfs and nobody complains about… is it the heatfs and atgm the problem?


It’s not perfect, but it’s the best way to balance. Far better than the “HiStOrIcAl MaTcHmAkInG” way of balance.

Historically accurate matchmaking is not something I would consider balancing. But I’ve said that several times.

It’s a shame that TankiX has ceased operations, you must have liked it, right?

You have clearly been advocating for historical seperation, which is worse than some of the current imbalances.

It’s funny that it’s always the people with similar stats to gravitate to that option.

And it’s exactly what I expected and find when I started playing this game years ago.

I think there should just be a middle ground.

It’s fine for tanks to time-travel when their capabilities are actually equivalent to those of the opponents they will face… such is the case of ASU-57, for example; which, despite its date of production, doesn’t bring anything different to the table to that which WW2 tanks already do in terms of capabilities.

But I don’t think it’s fine for tanks to time-travel to the degrees they do when this only leads the vehicles forced to face them to be rendered obsolete because of the inherent capability advantages the superior technologies of the time-travellers provide them with by comparison. Why do we need 1941 KV-1s to face 1972 MILAN SACLOS ATGMs?

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Yeah. Like the person complaint about a bunch of glass cannons. Also imagine you complain over a tank destroyer being able to front pen you. What’s next should I complain that the dicke Max can easily pen my Sherman?


Dicker Max’s gun can pen the Sherman because it was meant to pen Shermans back on its day; and it’s a slow-firing gun mounted on a slow vehicle that reaches low top speeds with low accelerations and which doesn’t have a turret.

Ratel 20’s MILAN ATGM can pen the Sherman because it was meant to pen T-55s by the time WW2 Sherman’s were nothing but an ancient museum relic; and it’s mounted on a fast vehicle that accelerates quickly to high top speeds.

There’s the slight difference. As stated; not everything is about pen. Or shouldn’t be, anyway. Apparently all that matters now is whether everyone can lolpen everyone else irregardless of mobility and soft factors.


What. That doesn’t…are you ok gramps? cause I don’t think anything you said made any sense. A
Type-95 Ha-Go, Type-97 Chi-Ha. Would not win against a Char B1, which started production back in 1935.

Historical Separation makes no difference based on the year when the tank was available to when it ended. Also “make it nations they fought against” wouldn’t make a difference either cause Japan practically fought all nations. This included Germany not WW1 Germany but actual 4 letter word Germany.


Why not nerf HEATFS like HESH? Kids who nag for a long time seem to get their way with Gaijin…

yeah, and in an ideal world it wouldn’t be that way.
We wouldn’t need to perform good to progress in this game and balancing by numbers and tactical games would be a thing

hesh was never nerfed.
It just isn’t implemented correctly to begin with, bc it is hard to do

I don’t think any KV-1 can face any milan missile last time I checked.


I had an aneurysm there lmao, edited

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