Heat (fs) in WW2 era

You just missed that. It was already discussed in the old forum.

Shh, dont remind people about the hidden gems (especially when paired up with the strikemaster).

Though for those who do face the Ratel 20 and want a tip, if its firing its ATGM at you or about to and theres a little distance, pop its tyres with a machinegun, you will cause its missile to immediately eat dirt as it counts as moving/throws their reticle off.


By your logic, Object 279 and T-64A should be same BR as Leopard 1, AMX-30, etc because they were introduced at the same time


Not at all. Gaijin tried historical mm a couple times and it doesnt work. No one wants to fight tigers with 75mm shermans.



Another one of these threads…

HEAT-FS isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. I play 6.7 Heavy Tanks extensively for fun. If you find a handful of vehicles designed as tank destroyers able to penetrate your tank frontally not fun, maybe you shouldn’t be playing video games.

If you can’t handle a few vehicles punching through you, then you’re just bad at the game. It’s really easy to know what you can and can’t do. It’s called experience and actually using your brain.


Why am I not shocked you’re a German Main? And this is coming from someone who’s spent most their time also playing Germany.

I honestly find it insane that you think you should be immortal at your battle rating. A tank destroyer SHOULD be able to kill you. Stop crying about it.


A) The Milan is an utter dumpster fire

B) I was thinking of the BMP-1/PBV-501

In War Thunder, vehicle BR isn’t based on when they were designed or fielded. It’s all about their performance in the game. I mean, imagine if they did base it on historical dates. Countries with less advanced military tech would be stuck fighting way above their weight class. For example, the Chinese IS-2 1944 would be facing the M46 Patton, and the Israeli M-51 would be up against the T-62. A lot of tanks with HEAT rounds have either poor armor, poor mobility, or both. Putting them in battles against their contemporary counterparts just wouldn’t be fair. So, they’ve been relegated to lower BRs to face off against WWII tanks.


It seems you have a perceptual disorder, I never said anything about being immortal. It was simply a matter of ensuring that a heavy tank that was built to withstand any frontal fire at the time should not be destroyed by post-war ammunition that had the sole purpose of penetrating this monogenic armor. The fact that 6.7 Germany is my favorite deck is irrelevant here, the same problem remains with the IS3, obj. 268, T-34, all of which I also played. And to say I can’t handle it is very funny considering my statistics. And should I be surprised by a comment from someone whose second most played tank in the game is only characterized by its ridiculous 400mm heat.


You want to be immortal. Do not sugar coat it. That’s exactly what you want.

And yes, my second most effective (not played, it’s the 10th most played) vehicle is the M-51. Why? Because it’s one of my favorite tanks in real life and was the main backbone of my Grinding for Israel, however, the fact you think the M-51 is overpowered is comical because “high pen = overpowered” in your mind. I also do not tend to play a single vehicle for hundreds of games. My playtime is massively spread out across the hundreds of vehicles I own. Unlike many people, including you, I don’t just play one line for thousands of hours. Your top two vehicles are both the King Tiger. Counting King Tiger matches alone, you have a total of over 3000 matches in that ONE vehicle. That’s insanely boring and I will never have any vehicles played that much simply because I diversify my gameplay across every tech tree and rank.

Steering away from your Stat card show and tell now, do you know how deadly the Tiger 2 is compared to the Tank Destroyer gameplay of the M-51?

Based on your logic of penetration being everything, APCR must be an S tier overpowered shell. Do you main your Tiger 2 with APCR? I bet not. That post-penetration damage is important, right? Do you know what HEAT doesn’t have? Post-Penetration Damage.

It also cannot go through soft cover such as bushes, walls, trees, fences, buildings, wood, and the like. It has drawbacks. The M-51 for example has horrific shell velocity, gun handling, and mobility. Hell, it’s slower than your King Tiger while being a Sherman tank. The M-51 is what we call a “Glass Cannon” in gaming and the fact you think a tank that can’t stop your shell, out-maneuver you, or fire first in engagements is overpowered is very telling. Perhaps you’re just mad you pushed without seeing one and got punished? That’s what happens when you don’t spot an enemy waiting to kill you.


The Sherman firefly can take down heavy tanks in full frontal engagements pretty easily. This is literally why they made that scuffed, cursed thing of “The gun won’t fit! Put it in sideways.”

Also, something I’m wondering:

How is it that a Centurion MK1 has no trouble bouncing tiger shots frontally, but tigers seem to struggle so much with their armour?

Cause he’s being a tad delusional and trying to Stat card Shame people who don’t play one single vehicle for 3000 games.

Because how unreliable is the 20mm Auto cannons? The massive slow chassis? MILAN missile also is very slow, 200m/s with penetration power of a HEAT round. Ratel 20 is the same Ratel 90 but with enough penetration power of the 105 cannon and guided ammo.

Ratel 90 uses a 90mm gun lol

No shit, I’m comparing the penetration power of the MILAN with the M-51’s 105.

There’s no comparison. Penetration means nothing on its own.

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If you say so.

No, Seriously.

How are you trying to compare a tiny slow missile to a 105mm HEAT round fired from a cannon.

That’s literally comparing apples to oranges.

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It makes total fun with an AML-90 hitting a Ferdinand or Maus that goes boom boom 😂

Same Warhead, almost same BR,

What I mean is Ratel 20 is only usable* with the MILAN missile in its BR where, in my perspective, is mostly populated by heavily armored vehicles, which means the 20mm GI-2 turns to be mostly a secondary weapon,

I’m comparing the D1508 L/51 with the MILAN only on the penetration power, even though MILAN has around +100mm penetration values.

Ratel 20 is the Ratel 90 with a secondary 20mm cannon and a 103mm HEAT launcher.

It seems strange this comparison, that’s why I just accepted that “there’s no comparison”.