Heat (fs) in WW2 era

What do you mean? Large caliber HE can deal deal some serious damage and disable a tank in some ways (destroying tracks, gun barrels, gun optics etc.) but it’s always less effective then AP rounds that can just penetrate the armor.

If you want to be sure to destroy the vehicle in a way so it won’t fire back anymore, AP is still relevant, or they wouldn’t have bothered with +150mm AP or HEAT shells in WW2.

Armor that protects against AP round is also supposed to protect against HE, afterall.


Panther hit by a massive HE round from the SU-152(?) also nicknamed “Zveroboy” beast slayer

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I’m not sure what you are trying to say.

Are you saying that armor that can be penetrated from 37-45mm AP rounds can be penetrated by 150mm HE shells?

Do you also have pictures of IS-2s that got hit by German 150mm HE rounds? Don’t think so.

Than don’t add them, also M4A3 does not have heatif last time i remembered

if you want to find such a specific pic whilst using the “uh huh didn’t think soo” reddit attitude garbage with me, find it yourself. I’m not helping you.

I think you missed the sarcasm.

It’s not about finding any pictures, it’s about what you want to say with them.
And you haven’t explained anything other then commenting on my pointless comment.

We know that HE rounds can penetrate armor and destroy tanks, so what?

Disabling various parts, if it even happens, and destroying the vehicle entirely are two different things. Surely you’re aware of that much.

HE in the game is nowhere near as effective as it actually is. Same goes for HESH. As they exist in the game they are gimped into near entire obsolescence.

Also, mentioning AP is wholly irrelevant when it comes to vehicles in WT that do not have it. Surely you’re aware that vehicles like the Sholef, Vidar, Type 75, 99, M109 and so on don’t have AP?

For vehicles that don’t have AP, it’s important that the HE they have to use isn’t basically useless, and it’s on Gaijin to actually put in the effort to make HE and HESH work accordingly. Something they have yet to actually do.


Well, that goes for nearly every round. If a Tiger just had it’s cupola and commanders head removed from a 75mm AP round, it’s not likely that they rest of the crew would be very motived to continue fighting.
Not to mention how damage can simply be repaired.

HE and HESH do pretty much what they did in real life, it’s just that this often isn’t enough to take out a vehicle in WT.

With the introduction of overpressure, HE rounds become quite effective in destroying tanks.
Game design wise there’s not really anything that could make them more effective, without making other rounds equality more effective.

A quick trip to the test range proves that to be bollocks.Sorry but it is.Plenty of one shot opportunities.

We dont play on a flat field all the time either and the angle presented also means Artillery HE will take a heavy tank out with one shot.It does not have to be 155 either it can be 122mm

That is plenty of ways and with nearly every nation having later post war Artillery that is a lot of time traveler misery for anybody who loved the late WW2 immersion we had at one point at 5-6-7 BR.If Gaijin wants to f**k its own game up then who am I to argue?

  1. Testing it at the range or protection analysis is not the same as actual in-match gameplay. You’re forgetting that fact and I don’t understand why.

  2. SPHs fighting WW2 tanks isn’t an issue at all, frankly. Especially given how HE and HESH isn’t as good as they should be. If they were, your argument might have merit but as things currently stand, it simply doesn’t.


Care to explain why?

It obviously is and to a lot of people on here for a number of reasons.
I do believe two factions are forming inside this game if they haven’t been for a long time and that is WW2 and modern and what ever is in between maybe as some kind of third.

In essence I think WW2 players just want to be left the **** alone. I understand that.

  1. Better to ask Gaijin why the game is so inconsistent between protection analysis and actual gameplay. They coded the game, not me.

  2. No, it really isn’t. The amount of players in the forum absolutely pale in comparison to the total playerbase. If it was such an issue we’d have far more complaints on this forum.

And before you even try it - No, I don’t give a damn what some cringe redditors say; Reddit doesn’t require people being an active WT player inorder to comment or make threads.


I’m not blaming you for anything Gaijin do

Nobody knows the numbers ,only that they are there be it a hundred or a million.Same with any other issue. Gaijin are only too happy to announce player participation when announcing change logs.

I’m banned from Reddit (Suprise!!!) so I couldn’t give a monkey’s but the players of this game are about on a number of different formats from Microsoft’s own store reviews ,Steam,Youtube or anything else you care to mention.
So opinion is out there in the big wide world for us all to see regardless of who likes it and who does not.

  1. I’m aware. Simply saying you’re better off asking for an explanation from them as I didn’t code the game and don’t know why there’s so much inconsistency.

  2. I mean, even with changelogs they don’t announce player participation. That’s with the off the cuff threads they do, and only on specific stuff like they did with the nukes dropped, shot down and whatnot.

All the same, the forums users are very much the minority group, which means that all the complaints threads about SPH in WW2 BR brackets, CAS, etc are made by a minority of players and not the majority.

  1. I don’t care about takes from those other ends, either. It is only here on this forum that requires people to be active participants in the game inorder to comment and make threads, thus everyone in this forum has regular interactions with the game. Therefore it filters out randoms who could otherwise speak whatever obtuse bogusness they felt like saying.

… this was a fascinating way to die.

I think it’s pretty neat, there’s a reason tankers started wearing flak jackets

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In many ways this is why I love the forums. It doesn’t matter how many bad takes get liked and perpetuated, it’s still only a fraction of the player base on rarely one worth considering.

On the topic of opinions, so many awful biases. I think my favourite one follows the template of

‘I am not satisfied and therefore the game is at fault and must be remedied’

Is there name for the bias that is confusing the total number of people who engage with total number of people playing the game (or another way of describing it, having a sample that doesn’t represent the population)


Yes but I don’t recall it at the moment. It’s a fact that is a double-edged sword in regards to getting the right kind of changes through rather than the wrong kind. One could almost argue that the forum-goers are among the most passionate about the game compared to those that don’t; But I’ve seen plenty of people in this forum that make me rethink that stance as they seem only interested in destroying the game to suit their own ends.


So are you saying they need to shut the forum down? Or only your opinion is valid?

Trust me, a lot of us have gotten tired of it so we tend to ignore it, though rarely they do bring up a very good point.