The most important difference is that it nullfies M62 from US 76 and base round from Russian 85mm when angled well, which accounts for the US, Japan, USSR, Sweden(Finnish T34) and Chinas main medium/heavy at the BR. M36, which accounts for the antitank potential of the US, China and Japan and its base 90mm APHE will also have to think twice.
It is still useless against the 17 pounder and HEAT-FS, as well as 122mm or US Long 90mm but come on, who plays Britain?(I do)
Edit: I forgot about the French 75mm but the French speaking and heat launching bush still goes thru ww2 relic like a knife thru butter
Make your point clear, you sure confused everybody there.
In the defence of the developers., People cried out for the Hungarian Tiger or a heavy Italian tank. People cry out for premiums to be different to normal vehicles. Gaijin Devs can’t win somedays.
I was trying to find if the track do actually make a difference and where it was documented have no view either way because I have nothing to base a view on currently. Wondering on what screen the info is on as I seem to have missed it.
blud thinks that every german vehicle, even if not used by germany, needs to be added to the german tech three, you’re tripping (ps i am a german main)
make a suggestion to remove the japanese tiger from everywhere in game and add the exact tiger that was bound to japan but was seized by germany to assist its own defense as premium in german tree named “the real japanese tiger” but its in german tree get it get it lol. i highly up vote that one for you because it make sense, but here you just get ananased.
make a suggestion to remove the japanese tiger from everywhere in game and add the exact tiger that was bound to japan but was seized by germany
It wasn’t seized but anyway the entire tank needs to be corrected:
In all the sources ive found i just cant find the Japanese Tiger having the hull launchers seen ingame actually on the tank, could Gaijin share their source because from what i see youre just unfairly nerfing the tank with something it did not have?? [image] Now this is a VERY simple fix that you could do immediatelly so i hope you can fix this Gaijin, and onto the second topic of the tank, return it to the store as a pack premium for 30 Euros, the marketplace is a stupid idea for this tank as…
well that’s a thread about correcting and bringing the fantastiger back, i’m talking about a thread to completely remove fantastiger, you don’t have one of those yet or out of stock for the season?
I only play Germans; nevertheless, the Japanese Tiger should be corrected, not removed. Additionally, they should get whatever else they purchased from Germany (Panther ?, Panzer III ?)
i agree with you, not only they should not add anything else they had just a receipt for, in addition gaijin should completely remove the tiger because it never happened.
japanese bought 3 E-100s as well which gaijin should promptly add to japanese tree. you know what’s taking them so long to add the 3 e-100s?

…can’t change the fact that he plays the Germanics.
After seeing various posts with this core messages It looks like you are disliking anything German. Being burdened by a severe inferiority complex is nothing to be ashamed of - just look for help.

Wipe the ground clean with the SM.92
I am really happy to see guys like you ruining the statistics of my favorite plane - it ensures that the current BR of 4.0 remains unchanged.
Play it more! Thx in advance.
that’s now p2w or OP.
I’ve yet to see someone carry the match by simply using this
Watch OddBawz video on it. 2 out of 3 an’t bad.
I like it!
Learn some english and stop being a child you absolute menace to War Thunder, and no some tracks dont suddenly make a tank op, the Tiger is and always will be just alright at best compared to Panthers
Seriously? A tiny bit of extra armour in a few places, but missing smoke grenades and APCR and you’re calling that OP?! It’s a fair tradeoff, and can be seen as actually worse because you have no smoke or APCR in an uptier against well armoured tanks.
And if you want to complain about another country getting a Tiger, you can’t do that with the Hungarian Tiger, instead complain about the Japanese Tiger, as that thing is just fictional and Japan never had or used a Tiger I.
Honestly, my biggest problem with this tank is that they made it a premium. It really should have been in the researchable Hungarian line instead of the 2S1. The only heavy tank for Italy mains being locked behind a paywall is not ok. On top of that the Hungarian Tiger fits the 2S1’s place better and is a more interesting addition than the boring 2S1 which is like the Italian M109.
The only chance now for Italy to get a researchable heavy tank is if Gaijin adds the Hungarian 44M Tas heavy tank, which I really hope they do.
They added a Hungarian Tiger because Hungary actually received several Tiger Es and used them in combat. That’s more of a legitimate reason than to give Japan the fake HT no. 6, which they never actually received or used.
Besides, the Hungarian Tiger may have some more track armour, but it lacks smoke grenades and APCR so it isn’t the “best Tiger I”, please stop crying. Germany is not “being slaughtered”.
The extra armour is better than either of those things
It’s 15mm extra armor lol. The smoke grenades are much more valuable.
It’s able to stop many shells the regular Tiger can’t.
It’s an excellent example of you not really playing 5.x
GRB. That additional track armor means the Hungarian tiger cannot be penetrated by Soviet 85mm or American 76mm from the front at all. This tiger should either have these removed or be moved to 6.3 for this.