Have a look at Hungarian tiger everyone

They added a Hungarian Tiger because Hungary actually received several Tiger Es and used them in combat. That’s more of a legitimate reason than to give Japan the fake HT no. 6, which they never actually received or used.

Besides, the Hungarian Tiger may have some more track armour, but it lacks smoke grenades and APCR so it isn’t the “best Tiger I”, please stop crying. Germany is not “being slaughtered”.


The extra armour is better than either of those things

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It’s 15mm extra armor lol. The smoke grenades are much more valuable.


It’s able to stop many shells the regular Tiger can’t.

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It’s an excellent example of you not really playing 5.x
GRB. That additional track armor means the Hungarian tiger cannot be penetrated by Soviet 85mm or American 76mm from the front at all. This tiger should either have these removed or be moved to 6.3 for this.

APCR is garbage. smoke grenade is useful indeed, but why would you need them if your front armor is invincible?


if you want to argue about bumping up the br i get it, go ahead, it will be a change based on “statistics” like everything else. but the tracks aren’t going anywhere as it is the charm and what makes it stand out from other tigers in game and most importantly it was a real life armor layout. tigris was probably going to 6.3 anyways as that’s what happens with minor trees, same machine, higher br.


Name a few shells that it can stop at angles you normally wouldn’t shoot a Tiger E anyways.

A good player can get 10× more value out of the smoke grenades compared to 15mm more armor. It’s just that most of the Tiger players just aren’t very good.


The frontal armor isn’t invincible lmao, that is just bad aim. It’s 15mm extra armor ffs.

I’ll just refer to this:

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Are you actually kidding me? It’s equivalent to I think 14 mm of actual armour, and only in a few places that you can simply choose not to shoot at! Smoke grenades are way more useful because they can protect you against enemies that 14 mm more armour won’t protect against, as well as save you in bad situations, against multiple enemies from multiple angles, etc. 14 mm more armour in a few places won’t save you against an Obj. 268 annihilating you. Smoke grenades will. Also APCR is useful in an uptier against those superheavies.

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I didn’t know 100 mm of frontal armour is invincible. Last time I checked, there are tanks at lower BRs with up to 300 mm of penetration, but sure, 100 mm of armour is totally invincible (even a Pz. III L has more penetration than that).

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i agree germany deserves the japanese tiger, petition to removed it from japanese tree and add it to german tree. germany needs a proper “mid production” tiger.


The Hentai Tiger: Am i a joke to you?

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The German Tiger should get all of these things.

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There’s no need to bash the Hungarian tiger. I think we should be bashing the idea that Hungary is attached to Italy for no reason. Like it just seems like its just going to be Gaijns justification for adding German vehicles to Italy even though none of them are domestic to Hungary or Italy.

Uhm… what?!?

Are Panzer IVs domestic to Finland or Sweden or Italy? Are Tigers domestic to Japan? Are Panthers domestic to France and the USSR? Are StuG IIIs and Pz. IIIs domestic to Italy? Are Pz. 38 (t)s domestic to Sweden? Are Bf 109s domestic to the USA, Finland, Sweden, Italy, Hungary, Japan and Romania? Nope!

What exactly is your point? That German vehicles somehow can’t be distributed to any other nation that had and used them? If so, that’s a very dumb point, as clearly every other country’s vehicles are distributed to just about whoever used them, just take the Sherman as an example.

And Hungary is a subtree for Italy for a very good reason. That being it makes the most sense. Germany doesn’t need and can’t get a subtree, so Hungarian vehicles obviously won’t go there. Out of the UK, France, Japan, China, Sweden, Israel, and Italy, Hungary being a subtree of Italy makes by far the most sense.


Lmao no it shouldn’t. Why on Earth should the German Tiger get Hungarian track armour layout modifications? You can’t just mix and match the best Hungarian modifications with the best German modifications and add that fake creation into the German tree. You and several other Germany mains seem to think Germany deserves every single thing that has even a remote German connection to it.

Theres not really a problem with other nations having a representation of a foreign vehicle if its unique or if its needed. I’m okay with the KF-41 being in Italy’s tree only because the Puma is just better and that Italy needs better vehicles which so happen to be German. I don’t agree with a lot of the copy-paste problems. Like Italy getting a leopard 2a7HU which is just a variant of the 2a7+ with Hungarian selections would be ridiculous in the current state of the game. I think that the Germany nation should have access to the vast majority of KMW and Rheinmetall developments because they are the German arms industry and all the testing is through German regulation and development. It would be the same for the USA and Russian Federation for example.

The biggest problem the justification of variants to other nations has caused, especially for the leopard 2, is the constant misrepresentation of data, like the Swedish trial data. People wanted to make it seem like the strv 122 is a “Swedish” tank when its not at all domestic, and now we have a 2a7V and a strv122B+ which are two completely contemporary variants coming from KMW and Rheinmetall selections that are totally different for no apparent reason.

Gaijn literally said in a statement that they relied on the Swedish trials being a reliable source, then proceeded to misrepresent coverage data apart from the estimation chart, then went on to claim that the strv 122 has domestic composite when theres no evidence of that. Its especially ridiculous when we acknowledge that the strv 122 is licensed and the hulls and turrets were built by Rheinmetall subsidiary Mak and KMW as well as the license manufacturer in Sweden which is a BAE subsidiary. They misrepresented everything probably in the scope of balance when they didn’t have to; they did it to every major nation except for Sweden (without considering that the leopard 2 is also modeled wrong like every major mbt in game). Its just a ridiculous situation they willingly put themselves in for no reason.

no problemo mucho amigo. just find a similar track armor layout on a tiger under wehrmacht service and make a suggestion to add it to an existing tiger in german tree or a new premium one. what’s the hold up on that? makes me think you have more problem with italy getting a tiger than germany not getting a similar tiger. if you can’t find such armor layout then unfortunate luck, no need to bother others about it.

receipt tiger requires your attention more at the moment, don’t you want a mid production tiger in german tree? see you in the “let’s remove japanese tiger and add it to germany” thread, good lad.

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Like I could just weld a steel plate to an Abrams and call it French because I claimed it was French steel or simply because I did it in France?