
Was the Harrier series of jets FM buffed?


Hopefully a lot more buffs to come as well


Significantly so. Even after a significant buff they are still short of their IRL performance lmao.
Realistically though it looks as though thrust and wing efficiency might be about correct. (will test on live)

The Flaps cause to much drag and the virtual instructor limits max AOA by an unreasonable amount.
When those get fixed the Harriers will become reasonably good gunfighters.

Nice, time to bust out the sea harrier again. Did it ever receive its radar gunsight anyway?

All 3 have the “correct” HUD, but its definetly WIP with a load of missing features and a tad buggy. No EEGS yet , but the total lack of any gun reticle in the FRS1 makes me wonder if EEGS is being actively worked on


Fingers crossed.

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Yes you just have to play it like a BF-109 unfortunately. Unless enough of us can cry about the virtual instructor to get that fixed.

i do hope the sea harrier gets EEGS, i will finally spade the early FRS.1 if so (i have the late spaded but the 10.7 matchmaker will be nicer for it)

either way the early is on the list, along with the 8C in the American tree

Yeah, its definetly a core buff needed for them at that BR