Hunted becomes the Hunter (Harriers Buff)

The Harriers are finally getting their talons after all these years. Its a good start to the buff but its not perfect yet. Just flaps some more thrust and less engine temp and we will be their.
The new HUDS on the Shars will be nice for SIM.

We can now play with our prey just as they did us when the Harrier 1s where nothing but lead weights in the sky.

This thread will be about our findings on the Harriers flight performance. It will be specific to trying to get the Harriers FM as close as possible to IRL.
So far they have:
Better wing efficiency
more thrust
and better flaps

They Need:
More thrust for less heat
better flaps (less drag and different animation)

Just adding this in for flight testing references.


This, has anything changed with them in the current server as of yet? (smokeless engine?)

Not yet

some of these better get done. im happy a T.10 is coming, but its so lazy to get again sell a vehicle thats got active (and frankly very easy to fix) bugs (such as the smoke, engines too hot and overheating wayy below op temps)

Yup. Its been 9 months since it was reported and its not exactly a complicated issue

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hard to put the square in the square hole when someone is waving an auction house in your face

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i wish they could add gr9 even as a event plane


Definetly belongs on the TT


1 of 2 options,

Grind tech tree for it when its added Under GR.7

buy T.10 and be happy you got the cooler and more unique looking harrier ingame

GR.9 is not event material. Tejas makes more sense

i mean its nigh the same as gr7 just different engine and electronics
it would be lovely in TT
but i could see the devs thinking its too similar to add

Upgrades over the Gr7

  • Better engine
  • HMS
  • Better Tpod
  • Better and more A2G options (Like Brimstones and GPS/laser bombs)

Additional upgrades that could come as part of the Gr9 even though they should be on the Gr7:

  • 6x AGM-65 Config
  • 6x Aim-9 Config

would love too se tejas mk1 and mk2 in game soon

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HMS Queue system from the GR.4
6 missiles instead of 4
more advanced air to ground like brimmies

haha you beat me too it, my internet is pretty slow lol

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go on…

And dont forget about the US harriers guys!

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fr, i dont know why they’re holding out on adding Indian jets into the tt, maybe they want to dedicate an entire update to it like the sons of Attila update

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Do you have any US harriers?

Give me the Frs.51

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I have both, but I dont play the c because it doesn’t get a lot of countermeasures