Further Harrier Improvements

This is GREAT.

I just took the GR.3 for a spin on the dev server, from what i can see at 90% throltle (min fuel, no load) its able to rate at between 560-600kmph and starts to accelerate immediately again once you level out.

Best change this update, just need the heat reduction and non-sooty exausts. Thanks to everyone reporting these issues!


You know what’s more crazy the thrust you get at WEP and the turn rate you get with it.
Should actually be for 100% throttle and just 695 degrees C.

I was sustaining 6-7 G on wep with 70% fuel.

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Harrier “Normal Lift” rating // Gaijin.net // Issues
First harrier report

100% throttle should be what WEP is now on the DEV server and WEP should be mainly used for heavy vertical takeoffs but can also be used as a warp drive


Morvran never misses on a post



  • AV-8A, AV-8C, B.KhL.1K (“AV-8S (early)”), B.KhL.1K (“AV-8S (late)”), Harrier G.R. Mk. 1, Harrier G.R. Mk. 3, Sea Harrier F.R.S. Mk. 1 (early), Sea Harrier F.R.S. Mk. 1 (late):

    • flap auto retract now will begin from 100% @ 500 km/h IAS instead of 370 km/h IAS until 10% @ 920 km/h IAS instead of 0% @ 611 km/h IAS
    • rip speed increased from 1191 to 1463 km/h IAS
    • wing moment arm will now shift less while pulling AoA (resulting in slightly less sharper pull)
    • wing Oswald’s efficiency number increased from 0.6768 to 0.7
    • engine throttle mode adjustments:
      • at 30% throttle: thrust multiplier increased from 0.15 to 0.2 (will result in ~5% increased thrust at this throttle)
      • 50% throttle mode changed to 68% throttle: thrust multiplier increased from 0.6 to 0.68 (will result in overall increase of thrust in 30-68% throttle range)
      • 85% throttle mode changed to 92% throttle: thrust multiplier increased from 0.825 to 0.84
    • engine water and oil temperatures adjusted, now will generally run a bit colder except at low RPMs (~2100-6700), which should cause less overheating
    • thrustmax for some nozzles increased by 1000 kgf (from 4000 or 5000), leading to a higher thrust output while thrust vectoring
    • flap rip speeds adjusted:
      • 20% @ 973 km/h IAS to 10% @ 1111 km/h IAS
      • 32% @ 833 km/h IAS to 926 km/h IAS
  • Generation 2 harriers :

    • engine throttle mode adjustments:
      • at 30% throttle: thrust multiplier increased from 0.15 to 0.2 (will result in ~5% increased thrust at this throttle)
      • 50% throttle mode changed to 75% throttle: thrust multiplier increased from 0.6 to 0.75
      • 85% throttle mode changed to 92% throttle: thrust multiplier increased from 0.825 to 0.92
    • engine water and oil temperatures adjusted, now will generally run a hotter but also tolerate slightly higher temperatures
    • thrustmax for some nozzles increased by 1000 kgf (from 4000 or 5000), leading to a higher thrust output while thrust vectoring

Here is the full set of Current changes for the harriers for anyone wanting more specific numbers


It’s beautiful. It’s enough to make a grown man cry.

All we need is for WEP to be 100% throttle and last longer and the single flap deflection and than we have Harrier.


Most goated update in WT history, harrier fix AND T.10!

nice one gaijin


Harrier can dogfight the MIG21 now


This was sexy!

What a clip, i dont really see what the mig21 could have done there because you kept your speed whist he drained it away.


Wait, is the harrier buff on live or only on devserver?

The beautiful part about the Harrier now is no matter how hard you turn you have so much thrust you just don’t lose speed.
The combat trials IRL gave the Harrier a successes rate of 7/10 when defending against an attacking MIG-21 below 15,000 feet.

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Its on the Dev server and is a WIP
The Buff might be the biggest Flight model buff in war thunder history

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I dont know if it will beat the Tornado (in terms of the scale of buff), but it is certainly pretty major



I always thought the gen 1 harrier a bit too brick-ish

Maybe my sea harrier talisman will come to good use now XD

How big was the tornado one?

Yes on the dev server I have been averaging around 2-3 player kills a game.

The wings use to rip if you thought about pulling any negative Gs and you literally couldnt turn. You use to fall out the sky at speeds well above the aircrafts stall speed

This is true but the tornado is fairly limited in G pull sadly due to wing mechanism.
The Harriers buff in STR and acceleration is mind numbing its able to do over 100 mph in the same distance and sustain like 2-3 G more in turns compared to live.

Still needs smoke, IR and flaps however

What’s most annoying is they devs modeled normal lift dry as short lift wet so once the water runs out it no longer has the thrust it should.

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Is it just me imagining things, or has the Harrier’s handling improved while hovering? (on dev)

Edit: Time to do a full 360 is roughly the same on dev and live, it’s just me