When will the Harrier Gr.1 get its correct missiles. The Harrier Gr 1 used 9Gs. Sraams was only for a magainze shoot.
the GR1 gets SRAAM to be unique from the GR3 beyond having the earlier nosecone. SRAAM missiles although a lot more situational are far better dogfight missiles which (now that the harrier 1 airframe is getting reworked) is what harriers do quite well.
SRAAMs need fixing:
but after that, I would prefer them over the 9Gs. They are unique and fun when they work properly. Gr1 could be given the option to switch between the 2, but I dont think its overly needed.
Must admit if the SRAAM was on a better plane (for the BR) than the hunter id take SRAAM as they are now over 9g just from their dogfight ability. They will be phenomenal after the fixes they need
Yeah, they will. Im really hoping we get a Hawk with them in the future
A hawk or gnat would be a wonderful addition
Harrier Gr.1 was never fitted with any air to air missiles. Only after the Americans fitted AIM-9s to their AV-8As did the true potential of the Harrier as a CAP aircraft come into perspective.
The integration of sidewinder capability only came with the Gr.3.
Technically the Gr.3 and AV Harriers could carry AIM9 B,D,G, and H sidewinders.
Also Sraams were all aspect and not the 1.5km bs range we have now. It was 2-4km. Harrier gr 1 should grt 9Gs its historical idc
Red tops were also all aspect but we arent gonna see that any time soon