Grumman F-14D Super Tomcat - End of a Legendary Era

also, i forget the term but trying to get the person in charge of the weaponry on the F-14’s witness account with possibly documents showing proof of AIM-120’s being used operationally

super tomcat yes

I’d like to see the D model yeah.
Perhaps the B model could be foldered after the A so the D could be completed without going through B.

Flight performance wise, isnt the D pretty similar to B? Same engines and such. So the main difference between D and B is vastly better systems and better weapons

more like D could be foldered with B

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Maybe so, but Id personally prefer skipping the B and playing A and D. B is the same as D just with worse weapons and sensors.

But B is almost the same as A just better engines iirc

No. The B is an upgrade to everything on the A. New engines, substantial performance increases, better RWR, more CMs, better armaments (54C should be a direct upgrade to the 54A, not a slight downgrade, could have 9Ms as well), better radar (if TCS is ever corrected), modern TGP, new cockpit(could also get sparrowhawk HUD which it needs if it’s going to keep JDAMs), guided ordnance.

The B-D is substantially less of an upgrade, especially if the B gets the sparrowhawk HUD. It’s a modern cockpit, upgraded radar, and an IRST. It will have the same performance, A2G capability, and armaments as the B unless they give it AMRAAMs, which could go either way at this point.

It’s 100% A and B as line aircraft and hopefully the 14D folder under the 14B though it will likely be on its own.


It would likely added with AIM-120A x 8 due to the fact you can have 2 x AMRAAM on the outer pylons making 8 AIM-120A


Gaijin doesn’t accept personal accounts or interviews like that. There needs to be documents or photos.

actually they do, however you would also need audio evidence and or video evidence. basically they need some form of affirmative evidence, you would also have to identify it aswell

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I mean they might, if it was someone who was likely to have first hand knowledge and experience of such things like a pilot or crew chief, but certainly not the observation of some random Navy Seal during a conflict that happened almost 35 years ago. And even then, it would only be a secondary source.

They didn’t use D model in Operation Desert Storm.
The only F-14s used by the U.S. Navy in operations were the F-14A and F-14A+(F-14B).

As far as I know, the following squadrons participated in Operation Desert Storm.

  • VF-1 Wolfpack : F-14A
  • VF-2 Bounty Hunters : F-14A
  • VF-14 Top Hatters : F-14A
  • VF-32 Fighting Swordsmen : F-14A
  • VF-33 Starfighters : F-14B
  • VF-41 Black Aces : F-14A
  • VF-74 Be-Devilers : F-14B
  • VF-84 Jolly Rogers : F-14A
  • VF-102 Diamondbacks : F-14A
  • VF-103 Sluggers : F-14B (They renamed to Jolly Rogers after VF-84 was dismissed)
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YES Baby

unnamed (1)

Old Cats never Die


images (3) (24)

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Question: would this carry the AIM-120A, and the AIM-9M?

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Not sure or USN service might not

2x AIM-9M or AIM-9M-9 stock

Also if Gaijin adds the F-14D they need this camouflage
F-14A/B/D, 161141, VF-84, 20 Oct 80, T Ring | Us military aircraft, Fighter ...

BSG VFS-103 Jolly Rogers Squadron Insignia by viperaviator on DeviantArt


Jolly Rogers only operated A and B afaik


Oh ok, but it still would be a awesome camouflage for the F-14A\B.

I mean yeah it should’ve been added to the F-14A on release imo

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@Gale_Cleven @Texas_Engineer_Mike Wink wink😉