It doesn’t really matter. If the F-16C gets the Aim-9X then the F-14D should too. The Aim-9M carriers are compatible with the 9X in all areas except for HMD (which the F-14D doesn’t have)
f-14d should have aim-120 and aim-9x
(aim-9m is fine too)
it was operational till 2006
“BuNo 164603 had the distinction of making the final flight by a Navy F-14 on Oct.4, 2006”
Wasn’t the AIM-120 ever fired from a F-14A for tests? Also a 9X on the F-14D would be too Ahistorical.
Agreed. If anything just keep F-14D with AIM-120A + AIM-9M and nothing more. This way it would sit comfortably at 13.3 BR.
I definitely think they rushed too hard into this era of IRCCM and ARH. I’d be completely content to remain in SARH and equivalent for another year for them to add in stuff like the AIM-7P and Hornets and Tomcats. Then we should’ve moved into IRCCM and ARH capabilities. Also have the AIM-7F/M be fired using radio wave instead of an illuminator. Would give basically stealth launches.
aim-120 successfully tested on f-14 but they chose other new platforms to use it, not the f-14 (that was about to be retired)
the integration of the AMRAAM into fleet F-14s was rated as too cost intensive. Thus the program was killed
at least one f-14 (the f-14 that was used on aim-120 test) was able to use aim-120, i think war thunder should add that f-14, of course it seems its a NF-14A (serial number 226)
i think they should add F-14D and put it inside the F-14B box in the tech tree
That “single photo” is more than enough evidence. Plus, it’s the only picture of an F-14D carrying an Aim-120.
F-14A actually lol
I was talking about the photo with the dual rack Aim-120s. You can very clearly see there’s no wing glove vein, which means it’s a D model. I’m very much aware of the modified F-14A that was used to test the F-14D’s radar and the general airframe compatibility with the Aim-120.
Also, just wanted to point out the F-14D has upwards of 30,200 pounds of thrust in each engine according to the Flight Manual. Not sure if that’s allowed here so I won’t post it but that would be a major buff the the F-14B/D’s engines.
It has glove vanes. It’s clearly visible in the photo taken from the other side (different configuration, but same place).
In my whole hearted opinion, the F-14D would be rather DOA, even with the upgrade radar and AIM-54C+. The amraams in the 4 underbelly stations, with the double rack amraams + sidewinder would make the F-14D a fair bit viable at top tier, especially with that engine buff that one guy was talking about. Also, i feel the tech tree tomcats need somewhat of a buff to stay relevant compared to the iranian one. 9Ls for the 14A, and 9Ms, AIM-54C+ and even the AIM-7P would be appreciated for the 14B. I dont know many other upgrades for the F-14B. I think a 14B(U) existed though, i dont know what the upgrade was or if it can be applied in game, though.
Yeah it would be DOA with the current BR situation but still would be no reason to not add it.
I mean, the SAC for the F-14D not only illustrates the glove vanes, but also specifically mentions them in the text, so that could still be an F-14D, prototype or not.
Interesting. I haven’t seen that other photo! Thanks for sharing. I still am inclined to say it’s a D model because of the context of that photo (If I remember correctly) was that it was a showcase of the F-14D’s capabilities with the Aim-120.
it was proved not worth the hassle so they were disabled and then welded shut around the 90s, and after the new planes started coming out of the factory without them (F14A/B/D)
What do yall think about if they add not only the AIM-54C+ and AIM-120B to it, but also the Fakour-90
Is not realistic i know, but could be a thing, could be fun.
I still wish we never retired the Tomcat cause the moment we did, that gap still has not been truly filled. As that gap is being filled by more than 1 aerial craft. So +1