Ground RP must be reworked

As the title says, the ground RB RP rewards are WAY too low, even when playing with a premium line-up.


agree, grinding at ground after 6.0 just like forever


yeah gaijin should make ground rp earning the same if not as close as possible to air rp earning

i was shocked the first time i play air rb with how much rp it gave me for the time and the performance i play, the difference is night and day vs ground rb


Oh I tought I was going crazy since I hit rank 6 its like Im not earning any RP with premium line up… Oh its just Gaijin balancing another L…

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With premium lineup you make easily 10k RP, for one top tier (400k RP) its mean you need 40 games. For the end of the game its not too much

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I have multiple 2-3 premium or talisman lineups. Decent games that everyone doesnt one death leave. I’d say i average 10-11k rp per mstch. Thats pretty solid and fast.

Ground RP is equal to air RP in relation to respawns.
3 respawns in ground is equal to 1 in air, thus 3 kills in ground is equal to 1 in air.

It already is the same.

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Really doesn’t feel like it nor do I think it’s the case tbh.


how its same when you need 1 kill in air and 3 on ground for same RP???
Its not same, expecially if you play 10.3 lineup and people just swarm ever single game enemy spawn and you cant have more than one or two kills…

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how is it the same when in air rb you just bomb 1 base and die after that in less than 5 minute in a premium plane and still got 11k rp(win) or 8k rp(lose) while in ground you have to have atleast 3 kill and live more than 10 minute to get the same rp with premium tank

Cause people one death leave which isn’t conducive to gaining rewards.

If you want 1 kill to be equal in both air and ground, you want Counter Strike for ground RB, AKA ONE LIFE. You want World of Tanks.

I just pointed out its not the same nothing more, ground has more important problems like bad maps, so easy to swarm spawn points and ofc incredible amount of lvl 30-50 accounts with like 90 deaths and 1500 kills just walling so obviously and ruining game for everyone…litterally rank 7 and 8 are unplayable.

IMPO this game needs anticheat in game that would detect these wall hacks and stuff also rework spawn points for higer ranks

I have no clue what’s your problem. I definitely don’t find too low. Are you f2p or what?

Same when comparing average rp per game, although i still think this is off.

Imagine they make kills the same rp. If 3 kills in arb were to get me 10k rp, i could go get 10k rp in grb from 3 kills.

3 kills in ground is way easier than 3 in air.

They should bring the ground rp up a bit but making it a 1:1 of air would make ground grinding way too fast.

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How? its like all of you guys average 5 kills in like rank 7 or 8… common be realistic the higher the rank its harder, again Im telling you my last 100 games in rank 7 USSR ground realistic are litterally 5 min long, either we swarm enemys spawn or they do that to us. Average 2 to 3kills max and thats me being way too generous… like Im going for capture points just to earn some RP…

When i was grinding the event, i was getting 6+ kills pretty often.

Abrams/a10 and t80/su25 combo does wonders

Considering 10k RP is around the mid to a good game, you have to waste at least 6,6h in game doing similar or higher values to grind a single EOL vehicle,

Using this badly calculated speculation, it’s around 10 minutes a match, sometimes Air tend to finish more sooner and player still able to get some good values, in Ground you have to use all the time possible.

In terms of gain, Battles are the most longer, tend to give the player who stays to the end of the match more rewards, in RP? No, maybe in SL, not considering if the player used a entire lineup.

As mentioned by AlvisWisla, Ground may have Air rewards, but there’s a huge difference between rewards for around 2 500 score points in Air and in Ground, but, in what I can see Ground rewards could be better, not only considering Realistic Battles which seems to be the main topic, rewards from Air Simulator to Ground Simulator are another story.

Overall, I still want to see similar or equal rewards for Ground compared to Air, using AlvisWisla’s logic, working for 3 destroyed targets in Ground to get the same amount for 1 destroyed target in Air is a huge difference.

you have only premiums in ur ussr lineup which means you shouldnt be talking at all for low rp gains

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Incorrect, next time when you decide to put my name and stats here at least do it correctly since I have a lot of other premiums.
Also why whould I not be able to talk at all about rp?

ur saying that u get low rp which is incorrect and straight up lie
almost 700% of RP gain