Ground rewards

Not a very long post, but very simple.

Why Ground RB/Arcade/Sim rewards are so low compared to any other game mode?

clearly it’s not a question for players, but there’s no other way to get an answer from those who manage and develop the game other than asking on the forum… assuming they want to answer, which I doubt.

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Because they want you to pay up.


This person has never played COASTAL or HELI (or to a lesser extent bluewater)! Laugh at this user now!!! !!
jk however I don’t find ground to be that bad, especially after the addition of the skill bonus. Simply fling a round or two at 6-9 people and you’ll watch your rewards skyrocket (in other words: BRING. FULL. LINEUPS.).

Heli, which you can grind with tanks and helis in grb + pve helis missions. Gj bro