Ground rb top tear

But yet again, it is not what SBMM would be.

The sad reality is that CAS always have the upper hand no matter what SPAA player does.

I don’t talk about how I feel about the game, I’m saying what I can and do in the game. I have played with and against vehicles I talk about. For the record, my stats come from Ground RB, not Air modes.

Exactly, you’re just saying things based off how you feel from your own personal experience. Fact is (emphasis on the fact), the SPAA’s out range any Guided CAS weapons in the game. Most people just can’t use them effectively. Get out of spawn, stop sitting in the one spot all game, turn off your radar until you see an aircraft in range so you don’t alert them and if your SPAA has it, use IRST. Guarantee you’ll have a better time.

Yes Aircraft can avoid your missiles, but you know how much harder it is to get within range at the altitude required to get a weapons lock when your RWR is screaming at you that a missile is flying at you at Mach 2.5?

And if you use IRST, chances are they won’t even notice the missile coming at them because they’ll be flying straight, in the camera view looking for targets and won’t get a RWR warning.

Not really as I base what I say on what can be done in the game, not the theory alone.

So good to hear the theory! It would be nice if there was some experience to back it up and things to show it. Not like Gaijin have said recently that on top tier things are in favor for air.

I actually know because I have used air effectively, not just the theory alone.

These threads are always funny to me. Do you know why smaller or mid sized maps are more frequent than larger ones? Maybe because large ones are on more map bans than any other map sizes. Gaijin probably do not invest time into large maps if they know that players are more likely to leave sooner than later and game play on big maps is much more impacted by those early leavers than smaller maps. Red Dessert, Pradesh or Surroundings of Volokolamsk are kind of maps where I either go to one position, camp for 9 minutes and then go to hangar because I know I will not have crew lock anymore or I just leave at start, take 9 minutes break to watch youtube as these maps are so boring to play.

Also saying that Abrams tanks are underpowered is also nice joke. They may not be as well protected as Leopard 2A7 or Strv 122, but those tanks are still great tanks. You just need to accept fact that you do not know how to use them.



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You go and do it you great grinder, with your premium time + 70$ (or 35) premium vehicle + low life grinding.
If I unlock the leclerc I will use it right away, 1 death leaving, fun focus here 💁🏻‍♀️

Why do you even know I changed my name?

Sorry but I didn’t understand your sentence.
I still sense a bit of hatred against those who use paid content? If we weren’t there you wouldn’t be able to play. And as long as you have a decent job, spending a few hundred euros is not an extravagant thing.

to find some players that know how to play Abrams it like finding needle in the haystack
and then you have clickbait horde ruining everyone days

Not at all, my problem is the extreme grind. As I said, I won’t happily grind 400k pts for a spaa and then another Xk pts for that spaa modules.

So, I will use my leclerc at the instant I get it, sooner or later the appropriate spaa vehicle will be unlocked, but until then I will one death leave ( maybe unless I have air stuff )

I hope that’s clear, English is not my 1st language

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I feel bigger maps would defo be a big improvement, but i also think a big reason people hate the current big maps is that there is too little cover on them, like surroundings of Vlodomansk, there is no cover at all on that map and its so easy to get sniped by a tank behind a 0 contrast hill you didn’t know existed. as for the distance between the points, i feel like you could make ticket bleed go slower, give the ability to spawn in twice with each tank from your loadout so you can J out and chose a different capture point to push or a different solution, either way small maps can be okay too, but sometimes there is simply too little space for a 32 player lobby.

Edit: forgot to comment on the world war mode for top tier, i highly agree and would like to see something like this for top BRs

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A traditional SBMM system would completely ruin the game, for starters there are nowhere near enough players across the modes and BR ranges for multiple skill brackets, since queue times are a massive priority for gaijin. Furthermore, it removes the ability for people to correctly learn the game since they will not be fighting people with knowledge of positions or strategies, and if you never die to someone with good positioning then you will never adapt or improve your own.

Lastly it would sap all the fun out of the game, as well as the rewards, since most examples of SBMM are in games where you so not have to research or partake in an economy surrounding vehicles, having to constantly fight at your level will increase burnout and decrease rewards, plus there is no feeling of progression unless a distinct ranking system is added, which is a seperate theory.
If you want to me continue to list the deficits of SBMM in War Thunder then just lmk

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SBMM in most games is just bad.
I don’t want to have a sweatfest everytime i play this game.

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It’s just not enjoyable to constantly be trying my best, especially when trying to research vehicles or participate in an event, if the SBMM advocates really want it then they should campaign for a ranked game mode

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And it’s just an all around bad systems.
It will ruin the fun for average and good players, because they will obviously fight people of their own or above skill level, which will defenitely add to frustration.
While all the bots, who don’t care in the first place, play against other bots.

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It will only promote more elitist gatekeeping as the higher skilled ranks will be full of players desperate to cling to that bracket, TLDR a SBMM system would fundamentally ruin war thunder and 10+ years of vetera players will leave in swarms

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Chat gpt

Its more about relocate spawns in Top Tear. The Maps we do have, but unused space except Jets. Check this pictures of this maps. We do fight in Top Tear with enorminus Ranges where you can shoot in spawns becouse we fight on One Square compressed. This Maps existing since years and are great for BR until 7.0 But not late Game BR . The Matches take sometimes only 5-10 Minutes and spawncamping starts . This is no warfare this is a Joke.

All the pictures show you how much space we have normally but it is unused !

This is just 3 Maps where always Ground Vehicle Spawn showing and if you click Helipad u see the sizes of map. Compare it with weapon systems we have now. All maps never been updated for the different BR.

They only good until 7.0 WW2 Technology…

bro the tanks are not the problem. you get bombed only after 4 min or less in top tier
with the new planes the spaa cant even catch the planes because of their 8km lock range rockets or bombs

The Map Spawns where they placed for Ground Vehicles (to close to each other ) are the problem in this BR. There are many maps you drive not even 15 seconds and you can shoot into the enemy spawns

Big Maps we do have, but unused space except for planes they fly outside around.

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