I agree
I’m a horrible air player, but it only takes me 1-2 bases bombed within 3 minutes to get the same RP I get in a 8 kill match in GRB…
And if it’s 1-2 bases + 1-2 kills, that’s more RP than a 9 kill + 1-2 caps match.
Then you are not a horrible air RB player, if what you say is true you are a rather gifted air RB player.
The ability to PVP, or survive a bombing run, is skill. Bombing without dying is more skill than getting 6 frags in ground RB; vastly more difficult to learn and get consistent with.
Well it’s kinda easy, I’m researching the T62 right now for at least 50-60 matches, doing fairly well often, 160k rp, still lacking 13k to get it.
That was my last match, with premium time active, granted it’s a loss but 5 kills isnt bad either, still…
On the comparison I’m 14k away from the mig23 m at 260k rp to research and that was my last match in my mig21 smt. The mig 23 took substantially less time to research it and I did bad in more than 60% of my matches considering the stock grind on the mig 21 smt and the state of that tier atm.
I would love it
But will gaijin ever implement it?
I hate when i play the entire 15 minutes game and the team 70% dead and only got 6k rp and 40k sl