Got a vehicle i didnt want from the battle pass crate, gamba on a guaranteed vehicle doesnt make sense

its been a rough week already for me, that didnt help. my wallet got stolen, and my self-hosted minecraft server let out the magic smoke

Then that shows you didn’t know what you were buying.

People who buy these things trying to get a specific vehicle are pretty much all wasting their time and money.

Why? There is actually no causal connection between the 2 statements - especially given that the description of the item SPECIFICALLY states that what you get is determined by RNG.

If you were to just buy the vehicle then you should expect to pay something like $10 x Tier + $10 - that is the current value of a purchased vehicle from Gaijin - ie Premiums.

i think you’re missing the point

I don’t think you have a point to make.

What was on offer was clearly stated.

You are not happy because you expected something that wasn’t on offer - didn’t read it properly and don’t like it now that your mistake has been pointed out.

the lvt-4/40 is on offer as a vehicle this bp