i got to rank 38 of the battle pass and got the russian battleship. i dont play naval, i will never play naval. i dont want this vehicle. is there any way a mod could remove this POS from my acct and give me the LVT-4/40 which is the only reason i bought this seasons battle pass, and in the future could there be an option to select which vehicle we (the community) want from these vehicle boxes in the BP in the future to give us more incentive to buy the BP knowing we can get at least 1 vehicle we want
"on no, my free premium isnt what i wanted, REEE!»
Its an RNG box? The entire point is that people who may not have these vehicles can acquire them. Also knowingly buying the BP expecting to get what you want from an RNG crate then getting cranked when the generator says 2 over 3 is some insane work. While I don’t disagree on the community choosing it this is just a crazy post
its not a premium vehicle, its an event vehicle. i still have to grind it out
RNG on a box that guarantees a vehicle is STUPID
why not let the player pick what they want
I never said I supported it being entirely RNG, all I said is that it is RNG based. Seeing as many of the vehicles in the box would go for a bit more than the base $20 on the market I’d argue use of RNG balances it
*yes, I know it cannot be sold
the point of the box is that they’re vehicles you cant get on the market, let the player choose what they want. they paid for it
the entire reason i bought this bp was for the LVT-4/40
It was never a guarantee you would get it. Also you did have the ability to choose which one you wanted, back when they were originally released
it should not be hard to add a UI to select what we want
stop trying to justify what is unnecessary gambling
Never said it was hard to do, I don’t work with Gaijin so you’re complaining to the wrong person on that. Was never justifying it either, I’d said use of RNG balances it in turn with what would be its market price. That doesn’t mean I support gambling, but RNG balances the inflation that would be created in turn on the gaijin market as I could just go say “well I want the Obj 279!” when buying a seasonal SL crate
Watch your language on the forums, I’d suggest editing this before it gets sent to the stone age by a mod
i stand by what i said, its stupid and players should get a choice. they only get 1 of the vehicles anyway. RNG for a guaranteed vehicle is STUPID
i understand for a seasonal crate RNG. but for a guaranteed drop, it has 0 justification
Guaranteed 1 of the 4, not a specific, though. I never said it wasn’t stupid, nor did I ever say it was. I don’t think gambling is good, and thats not my major point. I wish Gaijin would go back to having 3 original vehicles, but that ship sailed a while ago.
i need to talk to a mod abt this
i am unbelieveably angry
They won’t be able to help how you think, they cant just do this for one person and not do it for all the other disgruntled players aswell. It would be a waste of time and resources for them