Got a vehicle i didnt want from the battle pass crate, gamba on a guaranteed vehicle doesnt make sense

I’m not invalidating how you feel, I understand the feeling. What’s important is to move on from it as theres not much that could change it

Nobody told you could pick what you wanted, calm down bud

Nope, i’m just magical ;)

(i, uhm, might be spending a little to much time on the forum from time to time x) )

He is just saying he that he’s gonna fight gaijin till they give him the LVT for free. Your thoughts?

Damn, i need to remember that trick everytime i don`t get a IS-7 in a crate. REEEEEEEEE

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Me too, let’s overthrow tem!!!

Mods this is a joke. I would never overthrow gaijin and steal the IS-7 for myself ^^

no, im saying they can have their crappy russian bluewater ship back, i want the lvt in exchange

You want to decide what you win everytime there is a form of random award in something?
You were NOT guaranteed to get the exact vehicle you want

and therein lies the problem, i SHOULD be able to pick what i want if its a guaranteed vehicle drop anyway.

Well, they’re free to try. As long as they don’t break the rules. ^^

No, thats not how it works

if anything im a bit of a rule enforcer ^^ i dont like rule breakers

i was lightly dipped in the 'tism

You err, swore in this post. That’s against the forum rules.

‘i read and agree to the terms and conditions’ is the biggest lie in human history. dont blame me for not reading. i immediately rectified my mistake

In that case i would recommend reading at the very least the Code of Conduct so that you know what rules to adhere to. :P

will do ^w^

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There is still two posts from you in this thread with swears :sob:

ill go thru and edit. was seeing red for a bit earlier. have calmed down a bit now

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I understand that, just don’t want your forum account getting banned for it, we all have those days.